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...and Earthrise went from giving away 1-2 copies a day to giving away 22,000 in less than eight hours. I'm almost a little scared to stop checking it for the rest of the night, but it's my policy to stay away from work and email and such after dinner... so it will have to wait.

Here's where I stopped, then, with the graph at 22,856.  Earthrise is the #1 free download in Amazon's science fiction section, and the #2 download in the entire free kindle store. (what) This isn't counting whatever it's doing over on Apple/Kobo/B&N.

It's been a wild day. Thank you, JaguarHolt participants, for keeping me from exploding.

We'll see what it looks like in the morning....




I saw your first post just before I got the Bookbub email--and saw Earthrise! I'm glad more people are being exposed to Earthrise and hopefully, the rest of your work! :) I know I've convinced a few people to go check you out...


So, if HALF those people buy book 2, does that pay your bills for a few months? *hoping for so many good things to come of this*


If even ten percent of those people buy book two that would probably represent a significant spike in sales


If half those people buy Book 2 I am set for the year. O_o I think it more likely that a few percent will though....


This is wonderful news!

David Fenger

Two interesting things - the BookBub list seems to make up the top 10 or so on the Amazon Kindle Free list. And the top of the BookBub list is #1 (this does not surprise me). However, the order below that shuffles around a lot... Seems that of the day's list, Earthrise is getting a lot of attention. Also, looking ahead to books #2 and #3, as of right now they're at #11,405 and #12,583 on the paid kindle book rankings. That's up an order of magnitude over where Mindline and Mindtouch are, so it looks like there's already a knock-on effect. (One online calculator I found suggests that's 15 and 14 books/day, respectively. Hopefully this effect lasts a while!)


I look forward to hearing more!


Oh wow, I missed that you got a Book Bub advert. I'm told those are REALLY hard to get, and they are pretty much MAGIC. Guess that's sure true in your case!


That's awesome :D


Yeah, it looks like about 25 people (or so) decided to get the entire series at once, so yesterday was kind of a startling day, sales-wise? I didn't expect any purchases at all.

Capriox and Talikan

I love that Earthrise is getting much deserved attention, and I also love that you/fellow readers are posting the stats breakdowns for those of us who aren't familiar and couldn't follow in real time. So cool!