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Cool stuff coming or available now!

  • First, I've enabled annual memberships for Patreon! If you are sick of the monthly payment charge, you can now go buy an entire year at once. You even get a 5% discount! Here's a guide to make the switch. (Because some of you will ask, neither is "better" for me. It's nice to have monthly income; it's nice to have the lump sum. Go with what's best for you!)
  • I'm back to streaming the sketchbook scan tomorrow on Twitch! If you missed the first 30ish pages, it's up on youtube. This is all in service of me making plans for how to make this more fun/interesting for all of us. Stay tuned...
  • My Kickstarter campaign for the new collection has been approved! My plan is to launch the last day of September (so next Wednesday). Check out the preview here; you can use that page to be notified when the project goes live!

More as things develop! I am excite, and I hope you are too! 🎉




Yay Kickstarter campaign!! Ready, set, go!! 👍


I don't seem to be able to switch to the Annual Membership. I followed the instructions but the option box doesn't appear. Straaaange. Also, Yay Kickstarter!