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I have been only intermittently updating and available, but I have good reason! We've been doing a lot of work on the house and we're not done yet... but one of the unmitigated good parts of it is that I'm going to finally have a room of my own! I can't remember the last time I had a room to myself; I've been working out of the dining or living room (and master closet, and linen closet, and laundry room, and a bunch of other scattered places in the house) for at least 12 years, possibly longer? Something like that.

Anyway, I've scrubbed the room down--it needed much scrubbing--and once I repaint it I'm looking forward to turning it into a dedicated studio. I'll be telling you all about that, step by step, once I get seriously moving! But for now we're still in the 'the entire house is upside down' stage, and I don't anticipate my situation settling down for a few more weeks.

I am still working, just not as quickly as usual. Here are my current projects:

  • Finishing edits on Fathers' Honor and sending it to retail. This will be the next Peltedverse novel, about Haladir Delen, Vasiht'h's dad Petaq, and Vasiht'h's advisor Armin Palland from the Dreamhealers series.
  • Writing the first draft of Alysha 6 (or 7, if you count AF)
  • Putting down the first few scenes of the next Lisinthir novel, just so it's ready when I come back to it
  • Starting edits on Zafiil
  • Continuing to fill in the wiki 

I hope to resume streaming next week, but no guarantees. I'll be sure to mention it here if I do (and tell Twitter Manager to broadcast the results).  I really want to get back to art and painting but I'm not joking about everything being upside down in the house. I can't find anything anymore, lol. :)

As you can see, I'm trying to stay on track despite all the upheaval; given my reduced rate of speed, I suspect this list will carry me into autumn, but we'll see how it goes, and I'll keep you posted. 

Thank you all, patrons, for your patronage! Your contributions have really helped even out my income while I've been trying to arrange all this stuff. You are, as always, the best. 💖




Congrats on working on working on the new studio. Good luck with the rest of it.


I'm so happy for you. Space...the final frontier.