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With all the catching up!

First of all, thank you, audiobook lovers! Your donations last Friday made it possible to order Chapter 1 of Amulet Rampant, which I will post when it gets to me! Bandcamp is again waiving their percentage of sales, so all proceeds will go toward Chapter 2 (or 3, if we get ambitious!). Or, I guess, you could just just use Paypal if you don't want to go through Bandcamp. I'm keeping a little spreadsheet so I make sure I account for all the donations properly.

We need about $150 to do Chapter 2! Let's see what happens!

I am streaming today! At 1 PM EST, as usual. I'll be working on the book cover. If you are helping with the wiki, remember to request your portrait! If you want to help with the wiki, here's instructions! If you want to look at the wiki, please do! People complaining that something is missing will be asked to add the info, though, so be careful what you say about it, lol 😆

Here's the stream URL:  https://www.twitch.tv/mcahogarth

As usual, you can catch recent streams on my youtube channel!

Edits are proceeding on the new novel, which I hope to publish in June! (Thus, working on the cover.) More on that as we get closer to launch!

New Patrons, welcome and thank you for joining us! (I hope to meet some of you on Discord!) New subscribers (to Twitch and Youtube), thank you for your support! I'm excited to be drawing with you! Wiki editors, you are literally making a difference AS WE SPEAK because I am using the wiki to work on edits for the forthcoming novel (and to write the first draft of the next). You are all awesome, and I'm grateful for you!

Here's hoping we all have a great weekend, and I will see some of you on the stream and discord. ❤️




The painting looks great so far!