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It's pretty evident to me that I needed a wiki a long time ago. Some of you will recall a fan-built one on the Wikia site, but I never really got involved with that one because Wikia is full of ads and extremely slow and I hate their wiki software which does weird things with image pop-ups and... it was pretty much the opposite of what I wanted, which was something clean and fast, like Wikipedia, and something I could control on a site I could backup myself. 

The new peltedverse wiki is all these things, and I feel like it's at the point where superpatrons can visit (that's you!). It's still a young wiki, but it's no longer empty. Here are some highlights!

The main page, which has a welcome graphic and a table of contents: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

The categorization is almost entirely the work of Madamebadger, who has done heroic labor in the past week. Several people have contributed pages (like Lirleni, Filkferengi, PJ and Sheltiemum), but when I wake up in the morning and look at the Recent Changes page, it's almost entirely badger tracks.

A special call-out for the Fiction category which has all the Pelted works on it, sorted not only by series, but by publication date and internal chronology: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Fiction

One of the things I like about the Fiction pages is there are sections on them for all the covers I've ever used, plus any marketing graphics. A good example of that is on the Alysha's Fall page: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Alysha%27s_Fall_(Fiction) 

The most developed character page is Alysha's (appropriately, she was also the first page on the wiki): https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Alysha_Forrest

Probably because Madamebadger's re-reading the Stardancer series, lol.

But there's now fun stuff on this wiki that used to only be in my personal notes, so if you poke around you might find cool trivia. For instance, have you ever wondered what all the letters in front of the ship names mean? (TMS Earthrise? UAV Stardancer?) All the ones I've found so far in my notes or the books are here: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Bureau_of_Operational_Vessels

There's also stuff that hasn't seen any book or patreon post, like the floor plans on the page for the Glaseah's community center on the Eldritch home planet: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ingleside

Finally, some of the stubs are funny: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Dylan_Brushnie

It's nowhere near final form (is any wiki?) and a lot of things are still stublike, or have pastes of quotes from books or dumps from backmatter or patreon posts--those need reformatting/massaging. But I've already used it to look up a couple of things for the books I'm working on, and as you can see from my drawing board, I have lists of things to look up or make or research.

If you want to help, you're welcome! People who help get their avatar drawn (witness Badger's here!). Yes, it's bribery, but this is an immensely helpful thing and the more people contribute, the more helpful it gets.💖



Trygve Henriksen

A very, very important organisation is missing from the list. Nieve's girls, I believe it was called. Well, something like it. Or would mentioning it and explaining the name be too much spoilerism? I'm sloowly reading my way through the Dreamhealers books... Very slowly now that I have a Nintendo Switch Lite, and the Grandia I & II game pack... Come to think of it, that's a game I think the girls would have liked. Gran adventure, maniacal baddies... No unicorns, though, so maybe not.


Per discussion on the Discord, we're assuming the entire wiki is a spoiler zone for all the books, so if you want to make a page for Nieve's Girls, I think you can go for it! (Doesn't have to be long or involved, stub pages are valuable too.)