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With pen sketch I found randomly that I really liked. Sometimes I like to doodle directly in ink. Anyway! Today's news!

Audiobook lovers, I was able to afford one chapter of Amulet Rampant, so I put it up on Bandcamp as a 'pay what you want, including nothing' track. Today, Bandcamp is waiving their percentage of the sale, so all the proceeds go to me! (Thank you, Bandcamp, you are awesome.) And I will set aside any money you donate for further chapters. I guess it's a 'group unlock' situation. Slow motion Crowdfund? Like a Kickstarter but with less pressure? Whatever! Grab it for free, or tip me to help against the cost, whatever you like.

I am streaming today! At 1 PM EST, as usual. I'll be doing Society portraits and a redraw. If you are helping with the wiki, remember to request your portrait! If you want to help with the wiki, here's instructions!

Here's the stream URL:  https://www.twitch.tv/mcahogarth

Also, the last two streams have been ported to youtube, you can catch them on my channel

The wiki is looking great for something that's barely been around a week or so. Thank you all so much for helping with it. (If you want to see it yourself, follow the instructions link above. I won't be linking it directly until it's a little more built out, but wow, it's worth looking at already!)

New Patrons, welcome and thank you for joining us! (I hope to meet some of you on Discord!) New subscribers (to Twitch and Youtube), thank you for your support. I am now making a surprising amount from Twitch subscriptions. You all like to watch me draw! It is strange but I am grateful!

Fiction lovers, I have not forgotten you! I have one Peltedverse novel in edits now, and am writing a new one as we speak. I'm hoping to have two summer releases (or a summer and fall, depending on how things go.) Fans of Kherishdar, I hope you caught the two meta-conversation compilations that came out in the past couple of months! If not, here are the links:



These are companions to the canonical novels and contain spoilers and fourth-wall-breaking worldbuilding discussions, so take that into consideration!

Finally, Patreon is going to start collecting taxes next week. (I am sorry. My feels are complicated but I can't stop them.) I have done my best to arrange the tiers so that no one will have to pay much if any. Fingers crossed here that it won't be an undue burden on anyone.

And that's all! My week has been crazy but is hopefully over and next week will be calmer. Here's hoping we all have a great weekend, and I will see some of you on the stream and discord. ❤️




Is the draft of Three Fathers complete in google docs, or do we have a bit more to come--just so I know whether to keep checking it for moar. :-) I didn't see the usual FIN int here.

John May

Thought you weren’t going to be releasing anymore Pelted fiction for the rest of the year, like you said earlier this year. Glad to see that’s changed. Stay healthy and safe in these troubled times.😀