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After consultation with the members of the Pelted Historical Society (join now!), I have decided that consolidating all our various efforts to maintain the Peltedverse database would be a good idea, and a wiki is the logical way to do that. So! If you like wikis (or are interested in learning them--they're not hard!) and/or want to contribute to the efforts of the Historical Society and earn yourself a portrait, amble on by! Here's the link: https://peltedverse.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

Go ahead and fill things in, or add pages as you see fit. It's a group effort! I'll just be in the back slowly transferring all the data that's in various spreadsheets over.



Woot Congratulations!

John May

Glad to see your doing an official wiki. ❤️There’s already an unofficial one, but it’s SERIOUSLY(Like many articles last being edited in 2012) out of date.


I'm glad you're excited about the wiki! Feel free to contribute to it if you want to see it succeed!


I think it's so cool that Jaguar's fan community -- sorry, I mean the Pelted Historical Society! -- is coming together to fill out the new wiki with all the details.