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I lost about two and a half work days to assorted Real Life things last week, so I am trying to make up for it this weekend so I can get Heartskein out on time. I think I might be a few days late anyway, but a few days is more forgivable than a few weeks. Hopefully. >.>

Everything else is on hold until I finish that! Carefully! Because these last stages are all about finicky stuff that can't be rushed or I'll mess it up, so I am forcing myself to stop instead of trying to race to the finish. I hate throttling myself when I have a self-imposed deadline looming, but I want to do it right, not fast. And if the price of doing it right is a few extra days, then I should be paying them.

Or so I keep reminding myself. 😓

Last night I did some work on the cover painting, which was fun because I don't turn the lights on fully at night to keep from messing with my circadian rhythms and that means painting in the partial dark? Whoo. Good times! But I streamed for nearly an hour, and for a week or so that video will be up on Twitch. If you have a Twitch account you can follow me at mcahogarth! Right now my streams are super ad hoc, but I hope to be more consistent about it once I rearrange my studio.

And no, this photo is not lopsided. I was working on the piece sideways. I turn my paintings all the time to get at the bits and bobs...!

So that's the news, plus cat "stare of death" photo. Yes, Cat, that's about how I feel too. Lol. 

I hope you all are having a great weekend! Next week's posts might be a little erratic while I wrangle the book launch to a conclusion, but after that, a breathpause! We'll talk more then. 💖




I'm not sure any of us mind waiting on your high quality standards. And I think that's Val in the background (Hirianthial's hair is longer, yes?)! I wonder who tied him to a chair to get him to wear his knight's sash? :-) Jahir looks SO happy. Looking forward to re-reading the final version of this book.