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FireBorn’s Legacy is done! I’m currently hip-deep in prep for its Kickstarter, testing my new “launch via kickstarter/direct sales, then go to retail” strategy. In support of that, my direct sales version—the one you can get via the kickstarter or on my shop—will have extras in the form of color interiors and an art section (14 pages!). I’m trimming those for retail to keep my delivery/paper costs down there.

All editions of the book are complete, and I’m currently waiting on the proof copy of the bespoke hardcover… the first time I’ve done a fancy hardcover edition! I can’t wait to see it! And while I’m waiting, I’m working on stickers and prints for add-ons. I’ve done this Faulfenza dancing, and I’ve got a Zafiil-specific one next. Then either Sediryl, or another dancing Faulfenza because you can’t have enough of those!


I’m anticipating a July 29th kick-off. Here’s the prelaunch page, where you can sign up to be notified: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mcahogarth/fireborns-legacy

That’s going to take up my attention for probably the next two months, but in the meantime I’m trying to figure out where I am in the 2024 timeline. I didn’t anticipate needing this long to write a single book, and hopefully it was an outlier. I want to get to Surela 2 this year, and I haven’t forgotten Peradventure! But if I can squeeze in one more finished project (other than the ongoing serial), I’ll be pleased. I’m not sure if I will, though. I have a bunch of partially completed short story collections, and a few partial projects like Coracle 2, but it’ll depend on where I am, mentally.

My other task, which has become necessary, is wading through the enormous piles of old artwork sitting around the house and dealing with them, since I no longer have storage space for them. I anticipate much "photograph-and-toss” in my future, which is a big deal in a lot of ways, and perhaps a relief… to let go of old things, recognizing that there’s only so much space in my life and my head for them.

I’m also still job-hunting, though admittedly with less energy than before. I’ve had four scam job offers and no legitimate ones, and I’m beginning to feel like my profiles on job sites aren’t reaching actual employers, only villainous cretins who want to take advantage of people like me. :,

Oh! And I also have a story coming out in Raconteur Press’s All Will Burn 3 this Friday, and it’s a funny one about Guardkin. If you need cheering up, that’ll be a good one.

That's everything on my plate right now! Newsletter goes out later this month.



Ooh, a fancy hardcover with ALL the goodies? I'm sooo ready! :D (I'm really sorry you're having no luck on the job front. I don't know if you'd be interested but where I've worked for 18 years has an open remote editorial analyst position that may be a better fit for you than our other postings. Happy to send you more info privately if you're interested.)

Brian Bradley

Definitely with Liz on the hardcover. I'm in!!! I've been trying to load the project page on Kickstarter but just get a never-ending rotating "loading" symbol. I even resorted to trying it in Edge ;-P Ah well, hopefully it will be sorted out by the time of the launch.

Brian Bradley

Any news on the Kickstarter launch? I'm still unable to open the page on Kickstarter in any browser. I just get a never-ending spinning "loading" symbol. Just want to make sure I don't miss out on the hardcover!!!

Brian Bradley

NVM. I did some research and found that by downloading and installing Firefox, I can load the page. I'm now signed up for a launch notification :-)