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No serial today! I did not get to write it. That's the bad news.

The good news is that I've written 15,700 words of Qora in four days, and it looks like I'll finish the novel entirely this weekend. All this despite the house being upside down from various Big Changes.

I've been posting chapters of that as I finish it (and I'm two chapters from wrapping up at this point), so if you want to read the ARC (and help with continuity/typos), here's the google doc link.

BUT BE WARNED! This book is both wrapping up dozens of plot mysteries from at least four different series, and naming and kicking off the final conflict for this setting, so if you don't want to get hit with all the Big Reveals yet, don't read until it's out!

You can leave (and read!) comments on the doc, as usual, but there's also a thread for discussion on the discord channel (under #peltedverse channel, entitled, sensibly, SPOILERY - QORA'S STORY). Don't go to the thread unless you're ready for the spoilers, though, because that's where everyone is screaming and speculating. :)

I resume writing! And moving boxes, throwing things away, and moving furniture!



Lorie Holmes

This was amazing. So many threads woven together in such an engrossing story. I love these people.