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Only compatible with Windows PCs at this time. Due to the dependency on twitch channel points, you must be at minimum a Twitch Affiliate to run this game. Thankfully, the requirements are very low. 


Step 1: Download the attachment on this post and extract the zip file. 

Step 2 (optional): You can customize the community point sprite if you wish.

Navigate to the StreamingAssets folder (CLLGen3PublicV0.32\CLLGen3PublicV0.32_Data\StreamingAssets). Here you can change the community point sprite if you'd like to customize it by replacing "communityPointSprite.png" with another png. It must be the exact same size! 

Step 3: Start the game! Just double click the CLLGen3PublicV0.32.exe. 

Step 4: Allow access on public and private networks

Step 5: Authorize with your twitch account. A popup will automatically appear in your browser. If you're not logged in, it will ask you to log in with your twitch account, then it will ask you for the permissions the game needs to run everything automatically. 

Step 6: After you've clicked authorize, it should redirect you to this window

Step 7: You're almost done! This step will take a few minutes, but then you'll never have to do it again. The channel point rewards for player bidding will be created automatically, but you will need to manually add your community sprite image into each one. Go to your Twitch Viewer rewards panel and click "manage rewards & challenges". 

Here you can edit the reward sprite to match the community point sprite you set in the streaming assets folder in step 2. 

Now you're done!

Press the escape key to access the settings UI to change other config values you'd like, like the yellow instructions text for example. 

Please let me know if you run into any issues, I'm happy to help and iron out any bugs ASAP. 



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