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Change Log

  • + New command: !defend [amount] to spread defense divided up among 10 random default defense bricks
  • + Lasers now divide points by 2 rather than losing all
  • + Durability on defense bricks now subtract with scale for large numbers to not take so long.
  • + Points are now visible on king
  • - Fixed bug causing superchatters to stop granting points to other players upon collision with them after death
  • - Removed emoji json from clogging up log file
  • - Fixed bug causing space in file path to break the chat downloader
  • - Fixed bug causing number of obstacles spawning to slowly decrease over time
  • - Custom voice now properly applied while dueling tts with high pitched voice
  • - Moved chaos bot live updates to separate thread to avoid lag spikes
  • - Fixed obstacles covering up votes during duels
  • - Reduced memory fragmentation by switching obstacle spawnpos finding to non-alloc
  • + Implemented pooling for player handlers
  • + Image Data -> PFP Sprite moved to worker thread to avoid lag spikes
  • - Moved Unit testing onto main thread
  • - Fixed bug where using !payitforward while dueling could give you permanent TTS
  • - Prevented target number from changing if you @username a username that has a number in it

Hey everyone! I'm back from my trip to Canada (it was BEAUTIFUL). I was able to get a bit done remotely, but I'm excited to get back on the grind now that I'm back.


1. Start an unlisted livestream to your youtube channel with your method of choice (I recommend OBS).

2. Download the attachment, extract, and run the application .exe. Click allow if it asks for firewall permissions.

3. If the settings menu isn't up, press escape, then paste in the URL of the youtube livestream you want to pull the live chat messages from. Then click the "Start Chat Downloader" button.

4. Enjoy! Message here or on discord if you run into any issues and I can help you troubleshoot.

