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After the INSANE support you all gave me on the last livestream, I've worked hard to add more improvements to Chaos League in a single week than ever before. Full changelog is below. Additionally, I'm over half way through a new music sync video. Stay tuned, and see you on today's livestream! Thanks as always for your continued support. 


1. Start an unlisted livestream to your youtube channel with your method of choice (I recommend OBS).

2. Download the attachment, extract, and run the application .exe. Click allow if it asks for firewall permissions.

3. If the settings menu isn't up, press escape, then paste in the URL of the youtube livestream you want to pull the live chat messages from. Then click the "Start Chat Downloader" button.

4. Enjoy! Message here or on discord if you run into any issues and I can help you troubleshoot.

ChangeLog Chaos League Live V0.6

  • + New command: !givepoints <amount> @username (Available between any two players alive on the field) 
  • + Large numbers are now abbreviated to 3 significant figures 
  • + Upgraded TTS to use AWS Polly (Paid Service) 
  • + Chat messages made by a player in a duel now plays high pitched TTS 
  • + For the !duel command, you can now target players by typing their Display Name, or platform username 
  • - Removed the word "bum" from banned word list 
  • - Inappropriate words are now censored instead of blocked (prevent superchats from being accidentally blocked) 
  • + Config values system overhauled. 
  • + Dynamic UI generation for config values.  
  • + Changed duels to 90 seconds instead of 60 
  • + Separated webhook notifications for Superchats vs Errors 
  • + Config values are automatically updated in game upon loading, and save upon closing to config.json 
  • - Fixed infinite text drift bug 
  • + Log files are no longer overwritten between sessions. Stored and labeled by data in persistent data folder. 
  • + Added cheer sound effect after duels 
  • + To keep the left and right duel sides fair, the players now move to the conveyor belt after duel completion 
  • + Added traveling vote indicator from the player to the person they’re voting for 
  • + Battle Perches are back! Only overridden in game when there is a duel (will push a player out if present when a duel starts) 
  • + Added config for enabling and disabling error vs superchat webhooks 
  • - Disabled red peg collision until fully spawned in to prevent deaths while it is still microscopic 
  • - Traveling Indicator Text is now pooled to reduce garbage collection 
  • + Your marble will remember the last target number you chose after death, so when you spawn in again you won't default to attack each time. 
  • + Fixed game crash webhook notifications for new config 
  • + Color of the point popup text you earn from bumping into a superchat player now matches the superchat color 
  • + Added leaderboard showing who has reached the highest points before attacking 
  • - Any command message that starts with a '!' won't change your target number (add, attack, multiply) if it contains a number 
  • + Announcer announces who won the duel if it wasn't a tie



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