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Hello everybody! Just a quick update for you regarding the release of the Chaos League Season 1 finale. 

My original plan for the Chaos League was to post a new video every single week for 7 weeks, alternating between regular DoodleChaos music sync uploads and Chaos League uploads. I pushed myself to the limit and made it through 5 weeks at this crazy speed, but I'm here to report that this work pace was a bit TOO ambitious, and I've finally fallen behind. 

I'm assuming you would all prefer I take the time to make the video the best that I can, rather than rush an unfinished product. Therefore, the Season 1 finale of Chaos League will come after I post a new Trackmania music sync later this month. DM me if you have any concerns and I'm happy to take care of you. Sorry I failed to keep up!

After the season 1 finale, I will post another update regarding the future of Chaos Leauge. I'm already scheming new ideas of how the Chaos League can become more interactive, give you more control, and give utility to the points (I have a working prototype already). But I won't spoil anything yet ;) If you have a guess, let me know in the comments!

Your support is what makes this creative experiment possible. Thank you as always for keeping the DoodleChaos machine running!


The Chad

More interactivity, control, and utility to the points? ISN'T IT OBVIOUS? Doodle has developed a Team Fortress 2 style class-based combat system where we choose a class/loadout for our marbles, thus enabling special abilities and perks. Scout marble: Enhanced speed and agility but lower health Soldier marble: Equipped with a laser, but moves at average speed Engineer marble: Armed w/ explosives, escapes 1 wall-crush per round Heavy marble: Extra health but slower movement, crushes others Medic marble: Heals others? idk I'm running out of bad ideas lol Second theory? Rock/paper/scissors marbles! We each choose rock/paper/scissors beforehand and at some point in the chaos our marbles battle it out.

Jace Branham

No worries at all man! You're right in assuming we like the quality over the quantity. And if you need to space out the videos more, please do so! The last thing we would want is for you to burn out, so if you need some vacation or just a break between them, take it. We've all got to have that work/life balance, otherwise we find ourselves burnt and unable to enjoy the things we do. So keep up the good work, and don't let your enjoyment in it suffer for producing videos faster, we will still be here to help you out if the lovely YouTube algorithm doesn't like the good stuff you produce.