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The keyframes are set up similar to the xyz translation and rotation.

#colorblock keyframe(shape, scale, fill_color, xOffset, yOffset)

After setting up the keyframes with this notation, you can reuse the "parse_key_frames" function that was already built in to the notebook. (circled in image below)

Pass in the frame_num to "checkBonusKeyframes" inside the do_run() function at the position I have highlighted. This will edit the prevFrame before it continues. As always, I'm happy to help if you have any questions. 

EDIT: Here is a pastebin to easily copy and paste the code: https://pastebin.com/pPWmtRnQ 


Obed Vernon

Hi, when you text for example: lyric_texts += “3004: (yet it still gets darker…), what does 3004 mean? Thanks