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Hey you guys, Happy Holidays! I wanted to throw up a post to let you guys know that I really appreciate each and every one of you. You're helping to make my dream of making art for a living a reality, as corny as that sounds.

I'll be trying to upload all my art from 2023 here later this week. January will be busy for me, as I'm gonna try to knock out all of my commission queue in one month. In addition, I'm considering some changes to the Patreon in the new year, purely benefiting you guys and hopefully drawing in more patrons.

First of all: I'm considering a Doodle Dip Patron discord server. Something small and simple. I don't particularly want to moderate a social space, but I also know some folks are interested in that.

Secondly: More polls and voting on what non-commissioned art I draw. Including Momo, but also other characters!

Lastly: Q/A stuff. I wanna do something similar to what GalacticMichi does, where I take questions via patron and illustrate Momo's response to them.

Let me know what you guys think of these potential additions. I may do one or all of them, it'll depend on how much time commissions take up in the new year. ^w^


Crackie Pipe

Happy Holidays back to you, friend! 🤩🎉 I love these ideas, specially the Q&A one! I think it could be fun to get to know Momo further through that format, also you get to choose the questions you are most interested on! Just remember not to overwork your self friend! Excited for your new projects here on Patreon! 🤩

KentaTheFolf (HobbyWriter00)

First of all, sounds like a lot to do! Make sure not to burn out and take lots of breaks! Second, love these ideas, especially the Q&A one! Would love to ask some lewd questions for Momo~! Keep up the amazing work, and I hope you have a very happy new year~! 🤗


Thank you! I'll be careful not to burn myself out. I hope you have a happy new year too! And thank you for your support ^w^