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A comm for @Corathus from @HobbyWriter07 over on twitter! Sorry for the gap in uploads, last week was a weird one in terms of art productivity. But I'm gonna get back on it this week, gonna work hard and knock out commissions! Gosh I've got so many more in my queue lol

Also, I'm looking at the very real and likely possibility of getting a Momo fursuit done!!! I'm excited! If I'm lucky, it might even get done by next FWA, that would be awesome!



Crackie Pipe

The colors and the composition in this one is just fantastiiiiiic! 😫💖 Not to mention how MEGA HORNY THE WHOLE PIC IS, I LOVE ITTTT! 🥵💖🔥


Gotta say, Ball bulge is pretty :Ok_Hand: