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Look, yes, it's longer than a normal episode. But to answer your question we're less picky about the typos than we have been for the last three episodes!! 

There is in the middle of this reading one of the most insane things that has ever happened in any book. Any book we've yet read. Truly. 

And for what it's worth Conor tackles Real or Fanfic this time and whether or not he does better than Mike is neither here nor there, why are you asking? 

CONOR ADDS: The pic of the guys Mike describes herein as "they looked like cool guys"



In the same way that Modelland would make a great rock opera, I think this should have been an indie game. You spend most of your time fighting demons with the occasional break for a minigame where you help your mum beat her traffic ticket.

Matt Paulson

I will give you my Rush coloring book if you do the Rush podcast