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The second of three talks with an old friend, this one about my dad (and his) because Conor seems to think my dad was a character. He was.

NOTE: I recorded these before we offered the video tier, so audio only, apologies.


Gina Dalfonzo

My dad grew up working in his parents' grocery store. It was hardcore. His father taught him to work the cash register by loading up a cart with groceries, bringing it to the register, and telling Dad to ring it all up. Now when I, the first grandchild, came along, I mellowed Grandpa like you would not believe. When Dad told me the story of the grocery cart, I said, "If that had been me, all I'd have had to say was 'But Grandpa, it's haaaard,' and I'd have been off the hook." Both my parents were like "YEP." All that to say, when a dad of boys becomes a grandpa of girls, all bets are off. :-)

Augusta Vae

I’d be in favor of an episode with Chris’s and Mike’s kids weighing in on dadisms!