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I'm a huge fan of humiliation. I suspect you are, too. I know you'll love this.


Gina Dalfonzo

Theory is awful. I still take piano lessons, and to this day I still flub the most basic theory questions when my teacher lobs them at me. All my sympathies, Mike. I’m just glad the treatment didn’t put you off music for life!

Augusta Vae

I did not mesh well with the violin teacher I had my first semester of college. He was a good person, but our personalities just didn’t fit. As the semester drew on, I grew increasingly sure that I was going to end up crying in a lesson at some point. It finally happened near the end of the semester when he asked me what key a piece was in, and I didn’t know. To be fair, he felt bad and told me he was only surprised bc I was a good enough musician he expected I *should* know. So yeah, I agree that music theory is humiliating. 😅😂