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To quote the perpetually stoned kid who sawed his finger off in my high school Shop Class and had it surgically re-attached, writing in my year book, "What a long, strange trip it's been!" Emphasis on the long. (Note to author: EDIT!!)

We wrap up our reading of the manifesto and as with all other readings find hidden delights among the endless monologues on tax rates and troop deployments. 

Thanks to you all who read along, or didn't but contributed Real or Fanfic, sent in Dumb Sentences or your emails, we appreciate it immensely!

On to the next book!



I cannot believe the nuclear bomb guy, the "hidden person" or whatever, never got revealed or even mentioned again. It boggles the mind.


If I were going to guess as to what word Kim meant when he said "meandering" I would guess it was meant to be "mitigating."