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Loyal Jackal Claire created a 372 themed crossword, and we decided to solve it together. Watch our effort, or give it a try yourself and see if you can beat our time! (you certainly can. and we only cheated once. maybe twice)

The crossword: https://mycrosswordmaker.com/1099685/The-372-Pages-Podcast-Puzzle 



Loyal Patreon supporter Claire made a 372 Pages themed crossword, and we're going to try to solve it in real time!


Balaji S

This was really cool! I think I'm slightly ashamed that I finished it so quickly...? (Like, at how much of this junk is taking up space in my brain now)

Gina Dalfonzo

23 minutes. But I did have to cheat a few times. (Though I prefer to think of it as phoning a friend. My friend Google.)