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We're deep into Super Constitution now and this is our chance to see how the sausage is made (HINT: it requires a killing ray). 

Another big question is answered as Miss O'Hara makes a visual appearance and... spoiler alert, she's hot. We're talking Pepperidge Farm-guy hot!

Also, Mike's Real or Fanfic score takes an adjustment, despite having a new theme song sent in by a listener.

NEXT ASSIGNMENT: Read Articles 13 through 16, inclusive.



There's a really great scifi series called "Hyperion", an in it there's these things called "Death Wands", which are devices that kill by disrupting the central nervous system's electric signals. I gotta wonder if Charles Kim got the idea for the Killing Wave from that.

Gina Dalfonzo

If it's any comfort, Mike, you beat me at Real or Fanfic. I was 0 for 5.