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We're past the halfway point in Gump & Co., and in this episode, so much Gump, so much Co., so much ass!! Seriously, could there be anymore ass in this book?

All the departments are here, Real or Fanfic, Dumb Sentences, and Stealing Mail, and also thrill as Mike misses one of Groom's dumb jokes in real time!

READING ASSIGNMENT: Finish the damn book.


Gina Dalfonzo

Oh gosh, Mike, you really missed something when you missed the Four Seasons Total Landscaping incident. Aside from the weirdness of the venue, there was the moment when Rudy's hair dye started to melt and stream down his face. And the fact that one of his witnesses turned out to be a convicted sex offender. Winston Groom would have absolutely salivated over this one. So would Billy Joel, come to think of it.

Emily M

I love hearing about Mike's dad's jobs. If there is a memoir I would totally read it.