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The story, almost undoubtedly apocryphal, is surely well-known to every listener of this podcast. A group of writers challenges each other to write a story using only six words, Hemmingway invokes a dead kid, and goes home with a fat wallet. But with all due respect to the grieving Mom & Dad (That's why you save receipts!!!!), I feel that "Mud Block, Turn Off The Steam" paints a far more vivid, and ultimately more disturbing mental picture.

This is a page from a Whizzo The Clown coloring book that a RiffTrax fan named Troy found. Two things about seeing this in my facebook feed made me very proud. One, when I went to comment that Whizzo was a Looner, not only had someone already made this exact comment, but someone had also commented that Whizzo had himself a hell of a rig. A tear fell from my eye as I I found myself reenacting the classic Robert Redford "Jeremiah Johnson" gif.

There's a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote that sums up his definition of success, and one criteria is to "win the respect of intelligent people." The second thing was that within perhaps three minutes of me sending this link to Mike, he had already tracked down and purchased a copy of not only the coloring book, but a Whizzo The Clown metal bank on ebay. I think we can all agree that this is what Ralph was getting at.

The coloring book originally retailed for 69 cents.

If you're not familiar with Whizzo, you can watch the movie on Tubi or listen to Mike recite the entire script. 372 Pages We'll Never Get Back is not responsible for any mud blocks which may occur.



Mark Burger

I am d e e p l y curious what other treasures this coloring book holds...


In reality, this would be horrifying. Whizzo's skin would blister and peel off in sheets. Please, Mud Block...for the love of God...turn off that steam!!!