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Very mild language warning (it is, after all, an eBay listing).

As Conor said when I sent him this: "He's a patriot!"

EDIT: The original listing is gone but I saved the web page. Someday it will be worth as much as the Magna Carta.

2nd EDIT: Ok, it's either back or I missed it. Bet on my incompetence and you can't go wrong. https://www.ebay.com/itm/265360644225?hash=item3dc8ba1881:g:GZsAAOSwGHFhUgPI


372 Pages We ll Never Get Back

This is Lee Greenwood's third most played song on spotify -CL (I know for a fact the first two are just different versions of God Bless The USA)

Kerry S.

It could be a Springsteen song, too. One of those where the artist revisits their biggest hit decades later and gives a contemporary perspective on it.