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Mike knows that Germany did not exist in Handel's lifetime, but if you have any questions or concerns please send them to Conor at his personal email.


Tyler Nagel

My cup runneth over


Handel also went on to start a chain of ice cream stands.

Christine F

This prompted me to wonder about Cline’s genius writing process. RP2 could not have taken more than three weeks.

Gina Dalfonzo

You're not alone, Mike. A few weeks ago, I got myself in a mess on a project when I forgot that Germany did not exist in Beethoven's lifetime.

Veronica Fish

Ha, do you even DISC, brah? That's an amazing recording, what company is it? I've heard about people who feel that God works through them, and when they really get into the zone don't even know what's happening. Hope some day I feel that! But for now the creative process is largely trudging through thick mud, haha.

Paul R.

Mike's cassette tape erasure did not escape my notice...

Johnathan Rabkin

Nobody offered, but I would listen to a podcast called 372 minutes we will get back, in which Mike talks about classical music. I recently listened through Handel's Messiah, then I got a copy of the Mozart version and listened to that. The "sick remix" Mozart did is cool. How about Bach St. Matthew's Passion? Wife and I recently watched the challenging and strangely compelling Rattle/Sellars ritualized version of that.

Bryan Olive

When I was a kid, I thought, "Wow, these people really like sheep a lot." Unrelated: Neil Diamond's desecration of the Hallelujah Chorus is one of my top ten most hated songs of all time.

Hayden Olson

You ever thought about how Handel's Messiah is about Handel's Messiah?

Emily Brown

In college, I had an awesome music professor (Robert Sutherland) who really influenced my love of classical music. He played the organ like a boss and had many a protégé follow him in his organing. I remember when I had just started his class, he announced he would give extra credit to anyone who had been to a performance of Handel's Messiah. I was a nerd who went to every concert of the Pittsburgh Renaissance and Baroque Society. I thought I would show off by mentioning my attendance at their performance of The Messiah the week before and get easy extra credit....yeah, I didn't get it, but at least it humbled me enough to listen and learn in his class.

Emily Brown

Btw, I can sing along with most of The Messiah and all of Carmina Burana (Tom Servo's theme inspired me to look into it. Thank you for that!!). I am one of many music lovers out there, keep the classical minis coming!!

Emily Brown

Why do I have "play hallelujah chorus really loud" in my calender today?? The interwebs tells me nothing!!