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So many words, so many of them "monster"!

A jam-packed episode:

  • Conor sails through several Sonic Challenges
  • Mike, ahem, sails through Real or Fanfic
  • Our listeners mail in and we steal it
  • Believe it or not there are plenty of Dumb Sentences.
  • There are GOFFS! (get it?)

For next time read through Chapter 9: Hey, we gotta get through this people.



Just to mention about the "Mormon themes" thing, I've been a member of the church my whole life, I read the Twilight books when I was 14-15, and I never once picked up on anything in them as relating to theology or chastity or anything similar. When I first read about it online, I couldn't believe that's what people were managing to get out of the Bella-Edward-Jacob love triangle. It's possible I was or am just too dumb to see it, but it's just as possible that Stephenie Meyer's attempts at including metaphors were obscure and stupid, and/or that other people's attempts to find them in the story were really reaching (maybe to justify all the creepy abusive vibes). I don't know. Either way, someone or something is stupid.

Augusta Vae

I agree that Meyer's handing of her supposed themes is very VERY clumsy. For instance, she gives a ton of lip service to chastity. And then has Edward sleep in Bella's bed every night. Err, okay, so they didn't actually have sex, but maybe we are missing the intent of the whole chastity idea just a little bit? Also, if you don't want to promote premarital sex, having your characters spend all night in bed together seems like very stupid behavior to model to your teen readers.


Totally. It seems like she was trying to have her cake and eat it too. The Twilight series is unfortunately full of a lot of stupid behavior to model for teens about relationships.

Justin Cicconi

So far, I hate this book a lot less than Shadow Moon, just because there are no brownies, and less than Ready Player One because I don’t have to deal with Cline’s obsession with nostalgia. Oh, and less than Bob Honey because there is no headache inducing alliteration . Don’t get me wrong, the book is lousy, but I’m actually following it, and haven’t chucked. It across the room. Yet.

Theodore Lehman

I've dealt with the same thing talking to people who read Orson Scott Card novels, people act like we're a mysterious ancient civilization and they have to glean what little they can about our beliefs from our few surviving written works.