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Hey folks, Conor here. Just spent five days camping in the Adirondacks. The weather was perfect, saw many beautiful sights, even some wildlife. But the only pic I deemed worthy to share with the jackals was this bucket I saw that was part of someone else's camping setup. May be the closest we'll ever get to a real life Bleriana's bucket sighting.

I did not ask what was in it.



Emily Brown

Has Mike stopped posting his classical music quarantine minis? I like those far better than Meet the Author. And please Conor, post a mini about something you love, be it cats, lego building, or being in a crappy band.

Augusta Vae

Or how about a Meet the Author segment about a classical music enthusiast? :D I can imagine some great spoofing potential there.

Kerry S.

Conor's got to have some good camping stories. You can't go camping and not get some good stories out of it.

Amy Shaw

Walking through our local park this evening with my poorly behaved schnauzer, we happened across a string quartet playing Dvorak. It was lovely. Mike would be proud. The schnauzer wasn’t a huge fan as they weren’t handing out treats.

Amy Shaw

It was! It was so perfect. A reminder that this too shall pass.