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Mike is joined by Bob Fingerman to once again explore the books of an author who we just can't devote an entire season to. This week it's Steves Rick, KFC jingle heir and laserdisc enthusiast. Steves has written a series of books about a very interesting niche of the travel market, has a fascinating personal life, and will be sure to tell you when he's angry.



Mike Truman

Somewhere there must be a landfill of nothing but Spin Doctor CDs. That album went platinum 5x over and almost no one today owns it. They didn't just disappear.

Kerry S.

There was a PO Box to mail them to, and they got dumped in the landfill from there. Say, are you related to Truman Capote??

M Williams

I have a copy on tape. And I still play it when it re-emerges from under the seat of my 30 year old car.

Winston Rowntree

Oh my god the James thing just killed me lol...