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The Irishman is envious of the length of this podcast. But there was so much to talk about!

While Susan sits dazed, stupefied, sooty, unsure of where she is, what she's doing, how math works, and whether or not she'll ever get to Stone Manor, the revolting men around her solve the problems posed by E. Tankado.

A lot of Dumb Sentences, a LOT of technicians yelling, and Conor dives to the Dark Web to find a recreation that will hit you like a bullet to Jabba's gut.


Daniel Laird

I miss the Fan Fic sequence, but I thought since the end of a series doesn't have one, could we get a 'The Day After' synopsis from Mike and Conor? Like what happens the day after the book ends.

Emily Brown

"Any more interesting than last night and I'll never walk again" is so not sexy....jesus.