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Looking for good writing in a Dan Brown book is a lot like looking for a sock in a bedroom the size of Texas while sewage spews forth out of a crystal decanter. And this section of DIGITAL FORTRESS is no exception.

As the book theoretically reaches the stage where it will have a point, questions still remain such as: Who should we trust, Hale or Strathmore? Do earrings count as needles? Does Genius mean the same thing to Dan Brown as it does the rest of us? How many times can our hosts use the word "Pubis"?

Pour yourself a silent mug of Guatemalan java and enjoy our latest episode. For next time read thru Chapter 100.


Gina Dalfonzo

I about died laughing during the yak discussion. Why is the word "yak" so inherently funny?

Elizabeth Clark

Can we get a ruling from an actual contractor as to whether or not it’s a huge hassle to put in a bathroom stall vs a urinal?