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It was a narrow margin, but we're going to read Dan Brown's Digital Fortress next. He's probably the most requested author we've had so far, so the survey bears that out. Artemis gave it quite the run though, so maybe we will get to that down the line. But for now, it's time for some 90s hacking, baby!



Tina Tempest

This does read like the script to a bad 90's thriller. Probably the last thriller to not feature cellphones. Use of them would have made this a much shorter book. There are a lot of sexist, cringe-worthy sentences. I'm about half-way in, when does Susan get naked? (it's inevitable).

Tina Tempest

With the world shut down I took the few hours and many lost brain cells to stupidity required to finish this turd. Susan DOES get naked, chastely, in the final chapter. Imagining her naked was the only thing keeping me reading. But Dan brown can't write normal human intimacy or a real sex scene to save his life. 540 pages I'll never get back!