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I bought a Nintendo 3ds off of a twenty year old kid in a gas station parking lot two days ago.

Look, you live your life how you want to and I'll live mine how I want to. Also, I hope that someone made it this far thinking that Mike was writing this.

Anyway, I bought the 3ds because I wanted to try A Link Between Worlds, a Zelda game I had always heard great things about but never knew anyone with the system to try it out on. (I guess my friends don't hang out with teens in gas station parking lots enough)

Anyway, I was playing it on the flight to San Francisco, and was utterly floored when this twist happened.

Link becomes the wall! And this is the major mechanic of the game!!! I was so sleep deprived from waking up at four AM that I didn't even remember that it was technically the FLOOR that Thorn merges with.

Anyway, just goes to show that there are no stupid ideas, just good vs wretched implementation of said stupid ideas. Also, Pig Girl gets super nude in this last section.


Mike Truman

In the Atari VCS classic game "Adventure" - featured prominently in Ready Player One - the protagonist could occasionally pass through solid objects. It is a hallowed fantasy tradition!


I'm curious how super-nudity differs from regular nudity...