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Let's try posting this again. We discussed the Lair of the White Worm movie, and attempted to answer these questions (and many more!):

-What the hell?

-Dampton, not Lambton?

-Will Conor do another cooking show of Earthworms pickled in Aspic?

-Is the White Worm Song Band available for weddings?

-How does this compare to Ken Russell's other movie, "WHORE"

-Seriously, what the hell?


Paul Johnson

I watched this when it came out -- not at the theater (nobody did that), but on cable or VHS, I can't remember which. I loved the song, and Sammi Davis, who went on to be in the funniest movie no one has ever seen ("Consuming Passions" with Jonathan Pryce and Prunella (Sybil Fawlty) Scales). But, honest to God, the one thing that stuck with me all these years is that this movie taught me what Scotsmen actually keep in that little kilt purse (I know it's called a sporran, but c'mon, it's a kilt purse). In case you don't want to watch it, and I really wouldn't blame you if you didn't, it's a hand grenade. So, every time you've ever been tempted to mock a Scotsman for his wardrobe, just know he's got a hand grenade in that thing!

Dawn Godfrey

Capernican Method! Finally thought of what that term is. I just looked it up, and apparently it's interchangeable with the term Bayesian Interference - maybe that's the one you were thinkin of. I originally came across the term in trying to rationalize why it seems like you hear about one Cesna crashing in the U.S., and then all of a sudden there are small planes dropping like flies. Is there a term for that?