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Recorded live at Sisyphus Brewing in Minneapolis on 9/18/19, it's a very special 372 Pages Live!

Conor & Mike turn the tables on themselves, reading bad writing from Conor's past. (Over two decades ago!) Mike either had no bad writing or it was somehow even worse than Conor's, so he got Bridget to sub in for him. (Turns out Ernest Cline's poetry is really bad and nobody wanted to inflict his poem "Cunning Linguistics" upon an unsuspecting audience. Don't google it.)

Special thanks to Sisyphus for hosting, Eric for his AV talents, and for everyone who came out to see us in person!

This was a two part live show, if you'd like to hear the Like Trees Walking portion that preceded it, where Mike & Dave discuss the sub-Hallmark Channel movie "Christian Mingle", you can download the whole evening from their feed here 



Emily Brown

That's awesome! I have written many awful things, but thanks to my being old and saving shit on 3.5 floppies, they no longer exist! I did write some shitty poems in the third grade, including "Sisters", which is an epic four lines: "Sisters, sisters, sisters, They get blisters, blisters, blisters, blisters, All of the time, time, time, Because of this rhyme, rhyme, rhyme."

Amanda Martyn

How is "Rache a feu" (?), from the Amazon review spelled?

Amanda Martyn

Thanks! But what else was she expecting from the novelization of a Marvel movie?