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And, hey, if you've never read any Mencken his "autobiographies"* are cracking good stuff, a great place to start.

*It's pretty clear that aside from the broad strokes he flat out made up most of the stories of his life. Also he was almost certainly a closet racist. Still, great prose!

[EDIT: this is Mike, by the way. As pointed out, Conor would of course also have a beer]



Veronica Fish

That CS Lewis book is on my reading list! Mere Christianity is on my bedside right now. And some Sowell. And a Country Living with a hot wing recipe bookmarked.

Josh Osborne

Lewis’ Ransom Trilogy is a fave of mine.

Luke Yates

AFAIK a unique spiritual take on things like space travel (& sorta sleeping through it!) In my cosmos-building writing I'm also inspired by how Lewis interfaces spirituality & history on multiple quasi-independent dimensions & worlds with interesting interrelations & 'ladders' between them in his fantasy (Narnia) & SF (Ransom.) Having multiple sapient peoples at multiple locales at different stages of moral & => physical development & existence in their relation to God & the rest of Creation (sometimes branching off in different directions relative to our fallen Earth in making different decisions at crux-points - e.g. not falling for their version of the Edenic Satanic temptation) is quite fascinating.