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Our favorite unreliable narrator who is also a toilet salesman/mallet assassin is back to bring his book into the homestretch! We've got brand new onomatopoeias, lipstick smeared on teeth, and of course, boatloads of alliteration. There's also a literal boat, which our hero uses to abandon Hurricane Katrina relief effort volunteers to their death. (this is the "stuff" that he evidently "just do.") There's also got some fanfic which, though it may not be our most difficult batch yet, gives us a whole lot to look forward to in the book's final chapters.

Best of all, author Sean Penn has popped up recently on the late night talk show circuit to promote Bob Honey's paperback release. We'll examine his recent appearance, where he claims to "laugh a lot while I am writing" and we'll also look back at some of his previous talk show appearances, where he apparently has a go to defense of his writing that he trots out.

We are thankfully finishing the damn book for next time!



Saw "The Pink Panther" last night and noted on the credits that the saxophonist who plays the theme? None other than Plas Johnson.

M Williams

So I have to share a story that is apropos to this episode. Last week I was sitting at the kitchen table trying to rush re-read the chapters and write up a fanfic. And my husband started giving me a hard time about how I was prioritizing my time. Anyway, I decided to "get even" by reading aloud from the book, from the point where Pappy shows up in the diner. (After some explanation about the meta fictiony aspects of that.) So, I start reading while he's cooking, and I am giving it a bit of a hamming up and emphasis where I think it best could use it since I feel like I more or less understand what the intent is. And I swear this Harvard/MIT educated man who rarely finds anything funny laughed 4 times in five pages. I shit you not. On the fourth laugh I looked at the what he'd laughed at and was like, um, that was funny... ? I've found this book to be enjoyable on balance, but I haven't really found it funny "ha ha". I'm not sure what to think about this.


Are you sure you didn't have a whistling booger? Those can be hilariously distracting.

M Williams

Distracting in stories and in real life. 99.9% sure I was booger free at the time. I thought I mostly "got" this book. So, hearing someone else actually laugh was disconcerting, like I'm getting topped.

M Williams

LOL. Funny. The first time he laughed. I asked what was funny, because I actually wasn't sure. He repeated the line I'd read. There are no easy-out explanations for this.


I'm trying to throw out every possible lifeline, but if he wasn't thinking about John Candy while you were reading, then I have some serious concerns.

Theodore Lehman

Maybe it was a "laughing at the author's insane vision" kind of thing, which I think is the common reaction to The Eye of Argon, but would be new for Bob Honey.