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Who is the Sheriff of 372 Pages?

Sorry, just trying out our new catchphrase. Nobody better be laughing!! We have an absolutely jam packed episode this week, because despite maybe 40% of this week's assigned reading being the same block of typo-ridden copy/paste text, there was a lot to talk about. Potential suspects! Power couples doing cool things! Multiple cases of treason, perpetrated without a second thought!

There's a lot of new characters introduced so make sure to have a copy of your 64-SQUARES org chart that many of you chipped in to make! And if you find yourself in any biweekly meetings, take a look at this mock agenda that listener Travis made so you'll know when to take your three breaks and which 40-50 action items you're discussing.

For next time, finish the damn book!


Josh Mueller

I think I blacked out during reading the final section. Titus Uno says that the CBT was sentenced and then refers to a certain character's scheme as being the catalyst. Did that actually happen, or was that section victim to a Dwight David Thrash Copy/Paste error?

Travis Lynn

I like the idea that the author opens himself up to the risk of spoiling his own surprises with his, uhh... 'writing' technique.

Theodore Lehman

My theory is that he wrote the final 2-3 chapters by setting his spellchecker to automatic correction and rolling his face on his keyboard for about an hour.

Mark Burger

Just finished as well. Holy hell. Next episode is going to be intense... without giving away anything, I have a hunch the ending/moral of the story came from the author's personal experience.

Thomas Jones

I kinda suspect it's precisely why he found himself needing to make money and found "Write eBooks" on a blog article titled "15 Weird Ways to Make Money Online. (Don't tell anyone about number 12!)"