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Hello everyone! Happy Day After Christmas! Hope that if you celebrated, your love ones got you the one gift on everyone's list: the final eight books in the Tekwar series.

We won't be back with a new episode until the new year, but to tide you over, here is the long awaited bonus episode where Mike discusses how he came to be known by a group of people solely as Mad Dog, a claim Conor had never heard over the decade plus they'd known each other and remains dubious about to this day.

Have a happy new year, we'll talk to you again in 2019!



If many people call you "Mad Dog", are you not, in fact, "Mad Dog"?

Mark Burger

I mean, this just seals it. If Patreon fans ever see Mike in real life now, he's now Mad Dog to us. A shame C-Stokes doesn't have a cool nickname.