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(Basically c/ping this straight from my Tumblr)

You may have seen this post. It explains what’s going on with Patreon better than I can - I’m tired and upset and for the love of God, can we please have one day where someone isn’t fucking with us, PLEASE - so here’s the gist of it:

Patreon has gotten big enough that they’ve negotiated a standard fee with the banks instead of the banks taking whatever processing fee chunk they feel like it out of what I get from your pledges. The upside of this is that I know what I’ll be getting each month; the downside of this is that apparently those fees will be applied to my patrons instead of to me, to the tune of 2.9% plus $0.35 American. This means that if you pledge five dollars to me in a month, you’ll be charged $5.50; if you pledge ten dollars, you’ll be charged $10.64. Before, that was applied to me, not you, and I thought you all should be made aware.

That fucking sucks. 

I was perfectly happy to eat those fees. Especially given that this specific Patreon was for fanworks - for stuff that I always felt slightly uneasy about having a Patreon for at all. I was so wonderfully surprised that anyone was willing to pledge anything, and I’m grateful for every dollar. 

But I need to shut this thing down now, because it just doesn’t feel right anymore. 

To everyone who ever pledged anything, thank you so, so much. It meant and means a ton. I’m sorry it ended like this. If you want to spare a moment to tweet angrily at Patreon or something, I guess that’s probably not a bad move, because this is screwing thousands of people over, on both sides. It’s going to hurt small-time creators, a hell of a lot. It’s going to hurt people who genuinely depend on Patreon income for themselves and their loved ones; please see this thread from Seanan McGuire. 

I’m keeping the Patreon for the Gone podcast running for now, partly because that has a much more involved reward structure and it’s more complicated. Not sure yet what’s going to happen there. 

In the meantime, I do still have a PayPal donate button up at the Keep Singing podcast site, so if you ever want to buy me a coffee and sling a buck or two at me for any of what I do - the fic, the books, the podcast, etc. - there’s that. 

Thanks again, guys. You are amazing. 💖✨


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