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Hi Family Club!

We’ve been trying to plan out when we can do our F A M I L I A + stream for this upcoming month, but we’re still trying to figure it out! We’re under a lot of stress and pressure right now, so we’ll let you know as soon as we can! If you could just keep us in your thoughts…! We’re thinking it will be in the first half of the month, but we’re still not sure. Please look forward to it! 💙❤️

Sometimes it just feels like no matter how hard we try it’s never enough… We’ll keep on at it though…! We’ll see you soon enough! 👋🏻



just do what you can girls! hurry unhurriedly and everything will work itself out! gambare!!!

Dylan Mendes

No worries, can't imagine it's easy to plan ahead having a busy schedule. Take your time!

Sorio Alvarna

Don't worry! We know how hard it can be and will wait as long as you need. I hope it's not too stressful and that you have some "you" time to relax a bit


Take it easy and we’ll be here whenever you have the time!

Brendan Domenech

Hi Ally & Sally! Thank you for the update! I'm always keeping you two in my thoughts! Keep on doing your best, and see you again soon! I'm looking forward to it! 💙❤️


I'll keep an eye out! It's always enough because you're doing your best and that's all one can ask for. Thanks for doing what you can. I hope that the stress eases up too! Take the time you need-- I'll be around waiting without issue. 👍


You guys are always in my thoughts so I’m sorry to hear it’s really stressful right now. It might be better to do a stream next month if things are rough currently, but if you really want to go for it maybe just keep things casual like last time with a simple fun game and just chat a bit. Either way I’m rooting for you guys so I hope things get better soon 💙❤️

James Wargull

No pressure whatsoever! Definately keeping you in my thoughts! Things definately seem stressful, but know that your efforts truely dont go unnoticed! Sending love and encoragement!


Hi Ally Sally !! I understand the plan for August! We look forward to hearing from you. I know you are busy and it's hard to decide when, but we are always looking forward to seeing you and your friends, even if it's VOD! ganbattene !!


I’m thinking of you and I know you can do it! 💙❤️ You’ll get to where you need to be


thanks for the update! we know you're doing your best and really appreciate it


Doing your best is always enough, don't worry about that! We'll be here when ever you need us. With such a busy schedule, I'm sure finding a time and date is quite a tricky task especially if things are constantly in motion. Sending you some bonus power for whatever awaits you in the weeks and months ahead. I know you'll make it through because you're both super strong!




Please don’t think it’s not enough, seeing your dreams come true is kinda why we’re all here anyway and we know it takes work. Do your best and stay healthy, I just want to support your journey! You being true to yourself is beyond enough


Awww that sounds rough... No worries keeping, you in my thoughts! Don't worry if it doesn't fit your schedule! It sounds that you're very busy this month! I'm sure you're doing your best and that's all what matters! Don't worry too much about it! Cheering for you from the sidelines! I hope we can see each other soon! 💙❤️


Take all the time you need. We know how it is when things get busy so don’t worry about it. We totally understand. Hope you are doing well. We have you both in our thoughts and wishing you the very best. Whatever you come up with I’m sure will be great. We’ll be happy just getting to spend time with you two. Until then, take care and live well! See you💙❤️

Marc L

Don't worry, take all the time you need right now. I'm looking forward to it regardless when it will be. Hopefully all the pressure and stress goes away soon! See you then! 💙❤️

The Silliest Strawberry

Thank you for the update. Keeping you in my thoughts more than ever this month and hoping for your success. And hopefully some relief eventually whenever that comes

Scarlett O'Hare

Hello and good evening. It's ok that the August date is not figured out yet. We'll be patiently waiting. 💙🤎 Hope that your also able to find some time for yourselves to relax and de-stress. Appreciate you both!


Thanks for the update! I'm always keeping y'all in my thoughts! Good luck with everything!

Alizoneto Rocha

Keep your faith strong and keep trying, you came this far and there's much more to go! You can do it! My two idols are super ultra mega strong and can conquer any difficulty! I trust and believe in you two so if you two trust my words of praise, please trust my encouragement ones too! You both always give me a big smile! I am always thinking of you two 💙❤️ in fact I miss you girls very much! I look forward to be welcomed home every month! I understand your trials and tribulations and seeing you succeed after facing it all makes me really proud! Thank you for thinking of the familia and letting us know how things will go. Seeya soon! 💙❤️


You're always in my thoughts, you don't even have to ask. And I know it's easier said then done, but try not to worry SO much, ok? Deal with the things you have to deal with, and I'll be gladly waiting for whenever you can. I always want this to be a place for you to destress, not to add even more pressure. Your best IS enough, more than enough. Well, for me at least. What I gained from you is too great to ever be disrupted by something as normal as a busy schedule. Keep doing your best, and take good care of yourselves. Always looking forward to meeting you. 💙❤️


Thanks for the update! Take all the time you need for yourselves. We will always have you in our thoughts as you continue to do your best. Looking forward to the next stream whenever it happens! Take care! 💙❤️

John Spartan

You two are always on my thoughts. And don't worry, there are times that are busier and it's normal to feel stressed because you can't do it all despite wanting to, and all the other things and feelings that pile up because of that, we're humans after all. So thank you so much for the update, and try not to worry too much about us, we'll be on the lookout for new updates. I wish you the best, always, don't let anything stop you! 💙❤️

Cataractic Planets

You two are always in my thoughts, and I'm sending you all my support and love in this stressful time. I know you'll be able to take on whatever challenges are facing you, because you're strong and determined girls! Wishing you all the best, and I'll be happy to see you whenever you're able to!


You're always in my thoughts, every day! (seriously!) Sorry to hear that it's been difficult. You are really incredible girls and really incredible people put themselves to an incredible standard sometimes. But from my perspective at least, you're doing the absolute best you could! Even if you feel like you might not be able to always do everything all the time, and might even crack a little under the stress and pressure, you've still only ever done your absolute best over the years, and that is something that you should be immensely proud of! Your strength and tenacity is already evident, and it's okay if you have to be weak sometimes. I know anyways you'll do what's best for yourselves. Hoping to see you girls again soon, much love and hugs! 💙❤️

Dániel Fehér

No pressure! Thanks for the heads up! I'll be there whenever you're ready.


No worries, take as much time as you need! We know you're very busy with your schedule, we're here supporting you! Looking forward to it next month!💙❤️


You’re doing great


No worries, just take your time and I'm always keeping you in my thoughts! Wishing you two the best of luck!


Thank you for the update!! No worries and good luck with everything!! Looking forward to it!!💙❤️

Aeon -- Laughing Fox

When things are tough, we'll be here if you need us! And no worries, and no pressure either! Do your best, and good luck! We can be ready whenever, we'll keep an eye out!


It's okay, take your time! When you're under a ton of pressure, it can be hard, even impossible, to have the time to step to the side and see the progress you're making towards your goals. When things calm down, I'm sure you'll be able to look back and see just how much you've accomplished and how important everything was that you'd done during that stressful time. I'll be thinking about you two and hoping that everything you're working on goes without a hitch and that you get time to take a breather. Take care 💙❤️


Hi Ally and Sally!✨ Thank you for the update, and thank you for giving a rough estimate! (I'll try to tell the future again and book something off, maybe a sunday lol) I know you two are really busy these days, and that you're doing your absolute best to juggle everything, so if there's a chance that there isn't a stream next month it's okay! There's plenty of time since I'll always be supporting you two! w I'm looking forward to anything and everything you've got in store for us, so don't worry too much if you can! Doing your best has always been enough and it always will be! Really! I can't tell you how many people I've encountered in my life where I can sense them not caring or even wanting to do their best anymore.. but I've never once felt that way with you two so.. trust me when I say that I truly believe in you two! You've given me a second chance at so many things, so there isn't a day that goes by when I don't have you in my thoughts! I'll always be cheering you two on, so hang in there Ally and Sally! 💙❤️ 頑張ってねー!アリサリちゃんしか勝たん!


First of all good morning✨ (from my side) Now, it's okay and I really appreciate all the planning I can't imagine how exactly is your schedule and I'm not sure if I ever want to know why those words so, I'm so thankful that you're trying to be here, I'll wait for your update!💙❤️ And even if you feel you're not doing enough... Just by what you said here I guess is something busy so know that I'm really impressed and my admiration for you is still intact 💙❤️ Good luck Ally! Good luck Sally! I believe in you and I'll be here!💙❤️

patch Linda

Thanks for the heads up. We know it's really tough for you two, and it's not your ideal schedule. We'll be rooting for you, you're amazing for keeping up as much as you do! I'll be looking forward to the stream whenever you're able. Though, I hope to see you both soon, Ally & Sally 💙 ♥️


Thank you for the update on things! Things may be looking pretty rough right now, but we know you're always out there doing the best that you can and I'd say that's plenty great! We'll definitely be sure to keep you two in our thoughts and welcome you back with a warm greeting for the next stream! Best wishes to you both!!


No worries. Take as much time as you need. Also you're both always in my thoughts so you didn't even need to ask.


No worries. Don't get too stressed out, hoping everything works out for you Ally and Sally. You have my support, lets enjoy the journey, you're working hard and it might feel that you're not making progress as quickly as you'd like but I know you're doing all you can so keep your heads held high, you're doing great.


Np. Looking forward to something either way. 😀


No worries! And best wishes!!!


Take your time and thanks for the update Ally & Sally! There's so many things that you're working towards and it's easy to feel overwhelmed or stressed at times like this, but you both are doing great! Hang in there! Please remember that you're in our in thoughts and that we believe in you two! Good luck! Keep doing your best! Looking forward to the next time that we can see each other again! 💙❤️


Hi Ally! Hi Sally! Thank you for the update. Even if there’s times where you think you’re not doing enough remember that you’re giving it your all and that’s what matters 🔥 Both of you are amazing people and thats why we will always be here waiting and cheering for you 💙❤️ Good luck with August, you got this ✨✨


Appreciate the update. I'll be keeping a close eye on your Patreon because I'm excited for your next stream! I hope you're doing well and staying happy despite all your obligations. Keep up the great work! Ganbatte!!💙💖


Don't worry and don't push yourself to stream if you can't. We can have fun later! I'll keep you in my thoughts of course. Do your best!


Take your time! No pressure from us! We know you are both going through a lot, and we are so proud of you for all the hard work you two are doing! I hope things improve soon for both of you! See you soon!!


Thank you for the update and thank you for all that you do for us girls! It may feel like you're not doing enough, but you've accomplished so much while still keeping us in your thoughts. That's enough for us! We believe in you girls!


We see how hard you work and even harder behind the scenes. Please don’t ever feel like you’re disappointing anyone, and that includes yourselves. We’ll be supporting you through it all 💙❤️


No worries, take your time! I can definitely understand feeling overwhelmed, but I want to reassure you—you’re doing more than enough. You always give us your best, and I’m all kinds of proud of you. I’ll never stop cheering you on! 💙❤️

Nae Yurimiya

Hi Ally! 💙 Hi Sally! ❤ Before anything else, whatever works best for you sounds great to me. No worries here, okay? The last thing I want is to add to that stress! I'll be here supporting as best I can no matter how bumpy the road may be. I think about you two every day, and in my own way pray for your success and peace of mind. I feel that way too, more often than I would like to admit really. It's hard to not push oneself to the very edge of ability when the heart is so sure it's on the right path, you know? Not to mention expectations of others… These feelings of dedication and passion are powerful enough to make dreams come true, but so much patience and acceptance of imperfection is necessary to travel further. It's why I will keep saying, be gentle with yourselves, and somewhere in those passionate hearts, accept the praise and pride we have for you as earned, and license to breathe easier. You might not feel like it some days, but you're the kind of incredible people that change lives for the better. Yes you! Hang in there as best you can, and know there's ones out there that are on your side. I won't stop believing that things will get easier for you eventually! Until then and beyond, I'm cheering for you. See you soon, when the time is right 💙❤


No worries! If you're busy you're busy, nobody can do everything at once! We know that you're working hard, so we'll be there whenever you're ready! I always have you in my thoughts as well!💙❤️


Don't worry about it, take as much time as you need! We'll definitely keep you in our thoughts and regardless of whether it ends up being sooner or later, we'll be waiting patiently until the next time we can spend some time together. I'm definitely looking forward to it! I hope that the stress and pressure will ease up soon and that you'll be able to breathe a bit easier. But in the meantime, please don't be so hard on yourselves! The incredible amount of hard work you two always put into the pursuit of your dreams is definitely enough! You're really doing your best and that's all that anyone can reasonably ask for. So I hope that you'll be able to shake off any feelings of frustration and instead be proud of everything you have have already managed to achieve thanks to your hard work. Take care of yourselves, wishing you all the best! 💙❤️

Junk Email

Just keep doing your best. And don't worry too much about the stream next month. I'm sure something casual and relaxing would be just the thing. RCT was really fun last time, so how about something like that again? Maybe a childhood favorite? Well, in any case, I'm always rooting for you! Even if things don't feel like you're progressing right now, I'm sure you'll see the results of your efforts sooner than you think. You two are always inspriring me to do my best and to learn new things every day. Hang in there Ally and Sally! 💙❤️


You've got this! Every mountain has a peak, every tunnel has a light, so hang in there and remember that once you've conquered all these stressful times and busy schedules, the relief and pride will be immeasurable! We believe in you both! But don't worry if making a stream is too much or impossible at the moment! We want the time we spend with you two to be as happy and fun for Ally and Sally as it is for us! So please- take as much time as you need! Whenever you're ready, we'll be there for it! Take care!


It's okay! I know it's a really busy month for you, so just keep on keeping on! I know you can do it!


Anyway or nothing. I'm happy either way. Sorry I'm no help

Pudding Rat

Thank you for the update Ally&Sally! Whether or not you're able to do anything, I'll be here❤️💙 I always have you two in my thoughts and wish you the absolute best. I hope you'll be able to feel less stressed and under pressure in the future. Love you girls❤️💙


Thank you for the update!! Good luck with everything, I know you can do it! Please hang in there 💙❤️


Please don't worry too much about it! You're doing the best you can and that's all you can do, no need to push yourselves more than you need to! We'll still be here cheering for you and supporting you all the way! You got this Ally! You got this Sally!💙❤️


Thanks for the update! 💙❤️


I'm always thinking about you a lot! I'm rooting for you! 💙❤️


Hello, please try not too stress out over the date too much. I know you're really busy and I wouldn't want you to miss on some necessary rest over it either. Perhaps you might think it's never enough but always remember that you got to where you are because it WAS enough, because you persevered and did your best. Don't dismiss all the amazing work you've done so far, Ally&Sally will be in my thoughts and Ill think more positively thanks to you. Please hang in there. See you soon and remember to get some rest, it pays to be well rested too


As long as you two are doing your best, I couldn't ask for more! 💙❤️ You two are always in my thoughts, hopefully things will get smoother for you two in the future! Don't worry about trying to schedule it too far in advance, you two are busy enough!

no jetplane

No need to worry! I can understand that feeling like even when you try your best life just always loves to throw curveballs at you. I know it's not always easy to get out of that thinking but please don't be too hard on yourselves! It's not easy to always be running at 200% speed but somehow you two are able to do it while showing off smiles and laughs. I know if I was in your shoes I wouldn't be able to handle it. And I think that's just so amazing. To me, just being able to cheer you on and give you support when you need it as you work hard is more than enough. Whether it's the good days or the stressful days I'm always keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you well. Please take care! Try to rest when you can but even if you don't have time that's ok too! Whenever the next stream is I'll be right there to cheer for you! Do your best Ally & Sally!! 💙❤️

John Smith

That's totally ok, take as much time as you need! We know you're always doing your best, and you say you feel it's not enough, but your best has gotten you so far and brought you so many people that want to support you two on your dreams! Already always keeping you both in my thoughts, just keep at it and we can see each other whenever you have a good chance! 💙❤️


Hi Ally, hi Sally, I am always thinking of you both and will wait for you as long as it takes. Don't worry and keep doing your best, I'm sure you'll find balance in the future.


I'll wait forever!💙❤️

G D -2

No worries, I'll wait patiently, do what you need to do first.


I'll look forward to it! Keep on at it.


Hey Ally! 💙 Hey Sally! ❤️ Thank you for the update and no worries! Take all the time you need and please, don't ever feel pressured for us… Even if you're not doing too well, we understand. I'll keep cheering on you and be there whenever you're ready so don't get too stressed out! Good luck!!!


That’s no problem! Thank you so much for the update. We understand that you’re very busy, so please do your best and take care of yourself! I’ll be looking forward to the next stream, whenever that is! Don’t be too hard on yourselves, you’re doing your best!💙❤️


Keeping you in my thoughts and sending out prayers that things go smoothly for the two of you and that you can find time to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Thank you for updating us but try not to worry too much about us. Your health is of upmost importance. Take care girls and hope to hear from you soon.


We 100% understand. Please don't feel bad at all. We support you here because we believe in you! Keep doing your best and know that we have your back and are pushing for you success!

Anan Onel

I'm sorry to hear things are stressful for you right now... I hope things will get easier soon! 💙❤️ I get that sort of impostor syndrome about trying hard and not being good enough too, but I think it's easy to focus on the negatives and miss the positives. Like, it's still possible to accomplish a whole lot of things to be proud of even if you don't accomplish 100% of what you set out to do. "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good" and all that. And of course everybody needs to prioritize taking care of themselves, so don't worry if you can't plan the stream the way you want to right now. I'm sure everyone here will understand no matter what or when anything happens. Good luck! Keep doing your best!

Revi Noctre

Hi Ally!💙 Hi Sally!❤️ You two are always in my thoughts anyways so nothing is going to change there!✨ You two are always doing your best and I know you'll succeed! I'm always excited for whatever you have in store for us! Good luck, we're rooting for you!!💙❤️


Don't worry yall!!! Life can be hectic, take as much time as you need! Hope you're having a wonderful July going into August! 💙❤️

Josh King

We got you! We'll be waiting no matter how long.


💙❤️see you in august!


Thanks for the update! We're looking forward to it! Could it be Sally gaming!? We will be here waiting for you, please take care of your health and don't rush anything! 💙❤️


Thanks for the update! I'm sorry you're under so much stress right now, but don't worry! Your effort is always appreciated and I'm proud of you! Keep doing your best! See you next month!


All good. Thanks for letting us know. Focus on what you gotta do, no rush here. It happens. I'll keep you in my thoughts and wishing you all the best. Know you're doing efforts are appreciated. Also to remember and to enjoy the little moments here and there. Hope you both feel better.


Hey, Ally. Hey, Sally. Thanks for the update. I'm sorry that you're under so much stress and pressure. I hope whatever the reason for it, it eases up soon for you both. When things are that full on, it must be really hard to plan time to set aside for yourselves, let alone anything else. Just know that no matter what, we'll always be here waiting and supporting you. Through these stressful times, the relaxed times, and everything in between. You're both so strong and passionate. I know you'll be able to make it through whatever it is your going through right now. Your best is and always will be good enough! I'll keep you in my thoughts, and I'll send some bonus strength to hopefully make it easier for you in the future! You've got this! 💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️


お知らせありがとうございます! ずっと頑張り続けている二人を本当に尊敬しています! お二人が頑張っているのを見ると、いつもモチベーションが上がります。 頑張ってる姿を見せてくれて、本当にありがとうございます! 僕もお二人に負けないよう、目標に向かって全力で頑張ります! 凄く大変な時期だと思いますが、これまでさまざまな困難を乗りこえて来た二人の強さを信じています。 二人ならきっとできます! 僕も遠くから二人のことを応援してます!! 体調に気をつけて、つらいときはしっかり休んで、全力で頑張って行きましょう! 来月また二人に会えるのを楽しみにしてます!




No worries! I imagine things are far busier than we imagine so I will keep cheering for you in my heart! If you feel like a stream can safely happen I would be very happy but don't feel pressured to do it at any cost! I'm looking forward to any updates! Thank you for thinking about us!💙❤️

Jeff B

Looking forward to whenever you're able to spend time with us. Don't stress it too much, we'll be here!


You got this! We'll be waiting for you! Things may be pretty tough right now, but hopefully after the busy times are over, you'll be able to look back on this summer with a smile. For now, maybe the stress will melt away a little if you focus on the things you love about what you're doing, and try to take mental snapshots of the moments that make you smile. Whatever happens, we're rooting for you!


No worries, I understand how crazy things have been for you recently. You two are always in my thoughts, and whenever the stream happens, I'll absolutely be looking forward to it. I know *exactly* what you mean about no matter how hard we try it feels like it's never enough, that's pretty much spot-on how I've been feeling lately. I've been going through a lot of despair and doubts about some of the people running a certain community I participate in... I guess we just gotta keep at it and never give up, even if that might never work in my case specifically, no matter how much heart and thoughts I put into it. Let's do our best.