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Thank you for joining our F A M I L I A + chatting stream! ✨ We had lots of fun talking all together!

Things are still very unstable for us, but we'll continue at it daily to try to get into an actual apartment and finally get settled into our new life! We want to get back to our normal routine soon so we can be more comfy all together! 💖 Then we can sing and be loud freely!! Hopefully we can make some more updates here too...!

Spring brings a lot of change, but let's do our best even with uncertainties! ❤️💙

EDIT: Archive is back! Please check it out if you haven't been able to! ✨️



James Wargull

Thanks so much for the stream! This was my first stream I was able to catch of yours, and while im still a little nervous with joining a new community, todays stream was super fun and I'm looking forward to being able to hang out with everyone more in the future! Good luck with everything still needed in the move! It's difficult for sure, but I know you two will do amazing!


You can still hear it in your voices how excited you both still are for being in Japan! Hopefully things get sorted out and you can move out from the totally-not-a-cave mansion soon! We'll always be here to support you no matter where you go! ❤️💙


It was nice to catch up! I had a friend who moved to Japan, many years ago. I recall it was a tough process. I hope the best for you both, but I also know that you'll do just fine.

Aeon -- Laughing Fox

We'll look forward to it, and we'll be cheering you on! Don't forget to take care of yourselves, too!

Sorio Alvarna

Thank you for the stream ! It was really nice to chat with you and got some news !! I know how tough it can be to have a new home, I'm cheering for you and try to send you as much positive energy I can You can do it!!💙❤️


I'm glad yall made it to Japan safe, 2024 is looking really exciting, I can't wait to see what yall cook up!!! Hopefully you can get those opportunities to meet the content creators yall want to get together with! And hopefully you two find a nice apartment to finally relax in and have your own beds again lol! Thank you for the stream and see yall in April!


Thank you for the chatting stream! Even though things are unstable, I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. Good luck in Japan, and I can't wait to hear more about your plans for amerily when you've settled in 💙❤️


Hope you guys get settled soon and good luck on any upcoming tasks heading your way! Rooting for you!

AC Spark

Thank you for the stream and for sharing your stories from Japan so far! Keep doing your best! Good luck! You can do it! See you next time! 💙❤️


Thank you Ally and Sally--it was great hearing from you about your first weeks at home in Japan! Even though there will be complications, ups and downs ahead, I know you'll get things in order and find the perfect place for yourselves! I'll be supporting you all the way through. Take care and enjoy Tokyo! 💙❤


Thank you for the chatting stream! Your situation seems very tough at the moment but I'm sure you will be able to find a new place real soon so you can start working on the things you're excited about. Enjoy the free iPhone, love you girls 💙❤️


Thank you for the stream 💙❤️✨ Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough time but it's just temporary hang in there! 💪 I wish you all the luck to get an apartment soon so you can get a proper place to rest and do all the stuff you want to do and maybe a bit of shopping over there? 👀 I'll be waiting for your updates if there's any! ✨ Do your best and don't worry about the archive we can wait! 💙❤️ Once again good luck and thank your for taking your time today for us! 💙❤️✨


We’ll be around whenever things get settled, but until then it’s still great to just talk for a bit like today. Really nice to hear from you guys 💙❤️


Thank you for the comfy chatting stream! It was very nice to hear all of your stories since you moved to Tokyo! I hope that you can move to an actuall apartment soon! Take your time, we will be patiently waiting! We keep on cheering for you! 💙❤️

Junk Email

Man, it sounds like you've have an interesting time in Japan so far, that's for sure. I didn't know that moving there and finding a place to live was such a hassle! But keep at it and stay strong! It was fun hearing you chat about your experiences so far. I hope we get some good news soon regarding your new home! Maybe one with a little more space than what you have right now... and a fridge with a light... LOL Take care until then Ally and Sally!


Thank you for the stream! Welcome to Japan, Ally&Sally! Living in the same city... it somehow makes me happy lol I hope your life in Japan will be filled with happiness and love! We are always here to support you. Spring will come soon, have fun!

Pudding Rat

Thank you so much for the stream! It was really cozy and a LOT of fun!!! I enjoyed hearing about the moving process and how things have been for you both. A lot of it sounds a bit frustrating, like the phone and apartment situation, but you two are strong! I know you are! Good luck with everything!! I'm so proud and happy for you both! YOU'RE FINALLY IN JAPAN!!!!!!!! THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the stream! Looking forward to hearing your lovely voices again, till then lets all keep doing our best!❤️💙


I know moving to a different place can be exhausting, let alone a different country, so thank you for taking some of your time to chat with us! I hope things get better soon. In the meantime, I'll send you some energy hoping that it'll help you get through your quests! Looking forward to see you soon, hopefully on a new, nice home!


It was wonderful to hear your voices and chat for a bit again. It's only been a month since the last stream but so much has changed! Congrats again on the big move to Japan! That's a brave jump and while it sounds like everything is still in a state of flux yet, I'm happy to hear your positivity and strength still shining through always! Keep on pushing towards settling in and finding those comfy moments once again, I know you can do it! Day by day, step by step you'll find your groove in your new home. Wishing you both all of the best with the month ahead and all of the complex questlines and adventures that still lie ahead. You are (still and forever) amazing and I know you'll continue to push forward and make all of us proud! Until next time, ❤️💙!

Dylan Mendes

Thanks for the stream! It sounds like your situation over is definitely very... unique! But I'm sure the rough patches will get over sooner than you know it! These transition periods always feel the longest despite being the shortest part of the journey. I'm super duper excited to see what you two do once you're all settled. We're all cheering for you! You both got this!!

Anan Onel

Good luck with everything you've got to do to settle in! Make sure to have some fun along the way, too! 💙❤️


Thanks a ton for the stream! It’s always a time I look forward each month. I’m glad that although the move has it’s roadbumps, it sounds like it has been a rewarding experience. No matter the short term difficulties, I believe and place hope in the long term! Similarly, no matter where/how Amerily debutes or has plans for, I want to support you both whatever way I can. I believe in you two, and you both have so much potential! This is a period of unknowns, but that also means that there could be so much greatness unseen but upcoming in the future. Good luck! May you not have to wait in any more phone lines with suspicious hospital dramas playing 🙏

Brendan Domenech

Thank you for the chatting stream, it's always interesting to hear stories from you two! I hope you can get back to your normal routine and home cooked meals soon! Looking forward to hearing you both sing again and as always, thank you for doing your best! 💙♥️


Thank you for sharing your experiences in Japan so far! It’s always a good time with you and Familia. We totally understand the instability, so please take your time and we’ll figure it out as we go, one step at a time. Wishing you the best 💙❤️


Thank you for the comfy chatting stream! I hope you'll have the best time living in Japan, hopefully you can get into a new place soon and can start having many wonderful experiences and that things only go up from here! Looking forward to seeing your journey going forward making many memories!💙❤️


Thank you for the stream! Good luck with getting a more proper apartment, and then hopefully you'll be able to start enjoying Japan at its fullest!


Yeah keep doing your best and I'll keep cheering for you. I'm glad you are starting to dip your toes into going outside because explorating Japan is fun and you should try and enjoy that too. I'm also happy that you have already been reached out to for opportunities in your idol career. Getting quality lessons and more opportunities to reach your dreams is amazing, can't wait to see it all come together. Best of luck getting to move to a nice place soon too, your living conditions right now sound pretty rough... Also some pictures would be nice to see too. Thanks so much for the time and stream, even though you are still busy and not into the groove it was still nice to hear you and your stories💙❤️


Thank you for the chatting stream. I missed hanging out with you two. It was a lot of fun getting to hear about your experiences so far. Pretty soon you’ll be able to move to a nice bigger place. Stay strong! I look forward to when you’ve moved and able to do more. I’ll always be here to support you both no matter what! Good luck, take care, and see you next month💙❤️


Thanks for the stream! I wish that things go smoothly in your search for a place that you can call home! Hope that you can take that day trip to a rotenburo while the mornings are still chilly. See you next month 💙❤️

Dániel Fehér

Thank you for the chat!! Hope you can move to a more permanent apartment very soon! And once again - please treat yourselves sometimes. It's good for you in the long run as well. 💙❤️


Thank you for the comfy chat! I hope you can move into a new apartment soon, so that you can get some more peace of mind! In the meantime it is totally OK to treat yourselves once in a while, getting small and sometimes bigger things that make you happy will directly influence your mood and will help you to keep working through the rougher times too! It was nice to see that you can take all the annoying little quirks of moving and your current abode with humor, I think that is the best mindset to have! I'm looking forward to hear more from you in April and as a homework I want you to do one thing that makes you happy every day! See you soon!❤️💙


Thank you so much! Can't wait so see what the future will bring! I just hope I'm there to see it! Good luck with your adventures wishing you only the best!!💙❤️

Alizoneto Rocha

The middle of the process is tough, so keep at it! Those difficulties are soon to be memories! I am sending my well wishes for everything to be settled soon! I am taking the deal of 2 songs next time! ❤️💙


Thank you for still making the time for this, I was sure we wouldn't get one this month, and it would be completely ok! You're always working so hard for everything, especially us, I am so fortunate to have you in my life, you make so so happy, but please don't forget that the number one thing we all want to see is you happy. Please take to heart that part about treating yourselves. Doesn't have to be an album, or any specific item, just always remember there's nothing we want more than to see you happy. Maybe next time bring us stories about things that caught your fancy and you DID get, or go to, or whatever, instead of things you've given up on? Make lots of new memories to treasure, and maybe you'll think about us when you're going through your then old stuff in the future. How about it? I also hope you're keeping that in mind with the housing situation, don't want Amerily's headquarters to be suboptimal, right? Our next home needs to be just right! Of course all within reason, it's important to make sure you can afford everything, but get the best place you can! Sorry for acting like a mom here... I just love you so much and I want nothing more than for you to actually feel like you're living that dream, and not just working from a different location. I've never been happier in my life than these past several months since I've met you, but I don't want my smile to ever cost you yours. Your happiness is most important. I hope we can be louder next time! Thank you so much again, I loved the stories about the """mansion""", hope the rough cats can make another appearance! And I was really happy to hear about the concert, your favorite songs being played made the story just perfect. Hope you get to experience many more moments like this. I LOVE YOU ❤️💙


Thank you for the chatting stream! It was fun to hear so many stories about what happened after coming to Japan! It may still be difficult, but let's do our best!💙❤️


Thanks for the stream! It was nice catching up with y'all and hearing about your experiences! I hope y'all can get settled into a nice, cozy, non-rhombus shaped apartment so your pillows stay on the bed! Good luck with everything, ladies!💙❤️


Thank you Ally and Sally for chatting with us today! This was the first live stream I watched since joining your community! I'm rooting for you two! Good luck with everything in Japan. Hope you can move into to an apartment soon! I'm looking forward to seeing you again next month! Take care and have a great day! 💙♥️


Spring is the season of hope and new beginnings, so it feels like the cherry blossoms are welcoming you on this new path 🌸 I hope everything works out smoothly and your hard work and patience are rewarded with a big space where you can both do as you please 💙❤️


Thank you for the cozy stream! I wish you all the best and looking forward to seeing you again next month!💙❤️

Nae Yurimiya

Thank you for the cozy chat, it's great to hear from you both on how you're holding up so far 💙❤ Things seem to be unstable in springtime, and this year certainly is no exception, but knowing that new pathways and possibilities are finding their way to you through the shakeup of the present time is a peace that I'm thankful for while things seem to spin around every day. I'm really proud of you two taking the leap of faith and bearing with a lot of silliness and limitations to make your dreams come true. The wish granting business is a bit cramped and messy sometimes, with lots of paperwork too it seems, but I know it will be worth it to hang in there 🔥 With fellow fans and friends of mine too, I often talk about how impressed I am with your spirit and tenacity, and the gratitude I have to have been lucky enough to hear about you at a really important chapter of my life. I'll admit I'm not very knowledgeable about how things have evolved over the years when it comes to idols, and most of what I've learned has been from you, but I still know quite clearly that the idol spirit is in you and reaches me, and it's much more that how things look on the surface! My spring has a bit bumpy but you both in your own way inspire me to keep strong. I really respect that about you. Let's make this year something great, with our inner strength! I'm cheering for you!! And I can't wait to hear how things go next month ✨


Thanks a bunch for taking the time to chat with us about your journey in Japan so far! It might take a while, but here's hoping that the new living situation gets resolved ASAP so you both can finally relax and get settled comfortably! Best wishes to you both Ally&Sally and hope you enjoy hanami! 💙❤️


Thanks for the stream! Everything will work out for the best, I'm cheering for you!

Cataractic Planets

Thank you so much for the stream! Moving is certainly rough...I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and sending you lots of positive energy. I hope you'll find a nice place to live soon that you can be really happy in! It was also really nice to hear about your plans for Amerily. I'm excited for you to be able to take lessons and learn new things. I'll always wait for you and keep on supporting you!


I feel bad for missing the stream but I hope things are going well for the both of you in your new home. I'll watch the VOD and be sure to catch the next stream. Take care Ally & Sally, till next time 💙❤️


Thank you for the stream! Hopefully things get a tad less hectic and you guys find a nice place to move into! Good luck you two! 💙❤️


Thanks for the fun chat!💖 It was nice getting an update on how things are going in Japan, here's hoping you get everything sorted out nicely so you two can be properly comfy there! Good luck on all your quests, I'll be cheering for you!✨✨ Until next time, bye bye!💙❤️


no worries! just enjoy yourselves and have lots of fun!!


You two have a tough road ahead but I know you've got this! Thanks again for making time to stream with us this month! Even just being able to hear out some of your difficulties helps. I hope things are able smooth out sooner rather than later and that all your plans with creators work out well! Just remember we'll always be here to support you!


Thank you for the stream, I had a lot of fun too! I was super nervous before the stream and, truth be told, I'm still very nervous, since it was my very first time joining a stream of yours and I'm not used to how things work, but I'm sure by next month I'll be feeling a lot more comfortable. I hope everything is okay with the archive! I wish you all the luck on tackling all your quests and challenges you have ahead of you, we'll continue to support you all the way! See you next month, or on the next update post!


Thank you for the stream! Good luck on your apartment hunting! 💙❤️


Thank you for the nice talk, I was really happy to hear from you! Sounds like it's been a bit rough, but it seems like you're doing as good as possible regardless! Again, super happy for you that you get to have this experience. Seeing you achieve dreams like this is a real inspiration! I'll try my best just like you! I only hope still that one day I could get the opportunity to see you perform. Thank you again for checking in, hopefully see you soon in better conditions!💙❤️


I wish I could've caught the stream live, but life decided to put me in the worst traffic I've had in a long while 🥲 I hope everything goes smoothly and swiftly for the both you! Always thinking of you and cheering you on!! ❤️💙


Thanks for the stream, take care!


It's fascinating to hear about how your move is progressing. I didn't realize moving to Japan could be so complicated. Hopefully you'll soon overcome the challenges in the hard middle part of moving and find some moments to rest and recharge. I genuinely hope things ease up for you soon,allowing us to enjoy your singing once again. Wishing you all the best!! 💙❤️ P.S. Thank you for teaching me how to use suruga-ya correctly. I'm gonna put that knowledge to use right away.


Thank you for the comfy stream! It was nice to hear some of your fun little adventures and experiences. Wishing you good luck with everything, see you next month! 💙❤️


Thanks for the stream and taking the time to chat with us, even though you've both got a lot on right now. It was really fun hearing you talk about the move and what you've been up to. I really hope you can find a place to stay soon, so you can put all stress and uncertainty behind you. No matter how long it takes for you to get settled and back to a normal routine, I'll still be here cheering and supporting you with my whole heart. I'm really looking forward to those comfy streams in the future! Your singing is such a lovely ending to the streams and I always look forward to it, but I completely understand the situation you're in. It'll be worth the wait to hear it again! Hope the coming month treats you both well, and you have lots of luck and tasty food. You're both so strong, and are doing such a great job. I really am so happy for you both!


Hope you'll find a new place soon and make it your new home even sooner! See ya next month!


Thank you for the comfy chat! It's really fun hearing about your experiences in Japan and learning new things! I hope you can get a new place soon so you can relax and maybe spoil yourselves a bit! See you next month, love you two! 💙❤️


Thanks for the stream! Moving overseas is nothing to laugh at, but you two are handling it with class. Good luck with all the quests, we're all rooting for you!


Thanks for the chat! I was glad to be able to watch this one live. Big adventures often start off a little rocky, but I'm sure that you'll be able to find a good place where you can sing to your hearts content and start getting more comfortable in your new home in Japan. Moving to a new country isn't easy, but I think you're doing pretty well, so hang in there! Please don't be afraid to treat yourselves a little as well, it would make me happy to think that you're able to get the things that make you smile without worrying too much about the cost, have a lot of fun and do the things you want to do!


Good luck on the hunt for the apartment! It was great hearing you two talk about your personal progress on your move! We're cheering you on!

no jetplane

Thank you for the nice stream! I truly do love the comfy vibes you bring to these streams. I do hope things will start to get easier for you. It sounds like it's been a bit of a bumpy adjustment and I always wish things would go smoother for you two. I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before you get an apartment and can settle into a nice, stable normal. Soon this time period will be another silly story you can tell in the future. Do your best this month! I'll be cheering you on like always! See you in April 💙❤️


Thank you both for the stream! It's going to be a lot of work but I'm sure you two will pull through! Good luck in everything going forward and see you next month!

John Spartan

Just finished work, VOD is down, PAIN. It'll be back soon, RELIEF. Well, since I wasn't there I can’t say much but, no worries, no hurries, it's understandable if things are chaotic right now. Be well, send you good vibes 💙❤️ Edit: vod is back \o/ Thank you! I'll save it for tomorrow's morning chores.

Revi Noctre

Thank you for the stream! It was fun hearing about the experiences you had and what has changed since you were last in Japan! Some things sounded like they were rough right now but everything will work out! You two are strong and will be able to overcome any obstacles or quests Japan will throw your way ✨ Watching you two achieve a long time dream has been inspirational and gives me the energy to work towards my goals too! Take care and look forward to seeing you again next month!! 💙❤️


Thank you for the comfy chat! 💙❤️ Good luck in your search for the new apartment, can't wait to hear you two sing.


glad i was able to catch the stream, good luck with everything!

John Smith

Thanks for sharing your experiences so far! It was really fun hearing your silly stories moving in! This transition phase does seem really rough though... Feels like so much is hinging on getting your new place, but there's so much that needs to be done before that can happen. Still, it's a stressful period, so please do give yourselves a treat every now and then!! Don't want the first few months of your new and exciting life to be just full of tough times Can't wait to see you two have your normal routine established though! Then we'll be back to some nice and comfy times together, and we can hear you sing again! ✨ This new Spring is sure to be hectic, but as you said, there's so many possibilities and even people reaching out to you now. It's a time of change, but I'm sure if it's you two, you'll make the best out of it. You always work so very hard after all...! Will always, always be supporting you both!! Take care out there in Tokyo!! ❤️💙


Step by step! Spring is the start of beginnings, just like this new journey of yours!


Thanks for the stream! I hope you can get into a comfy place real soon!

Scarlett O'Hare

It was a really nice time chatting all together. 💙❤️ Wishing for you to have a lot of good luck with getting an apartment situated and getting your routine back.

Josh King

Thank you once again for taking time to chat with us. I hope your stay in Japan will be a fruitful one! You always have my support! 💙❤️

happy hobby

Thanks for the stream! I'm really glad to hear your new life stories in Japan! Just do our best and life will get better! See you next time!💙❤️


Thank you for the chatting stream!✨ It was nice to hear more about how things are going! Hope whenever you get your new place that walls are a bit thicker so that so can sing to your hearts content! Keep doing your best! We'll be cheering for you! 💙❤️


Thanks for the stream 💙❤️


Hope you two get a nice apartment so you can scream and sing super loud~ 💙❤️


Thanks for the steam ! I'm sorry I couldn't be there for work, but I'm sure we'll hear about your adventures in the archives.




I'm super sad i missed it. Had stuff to do tonight :( But i will absolutely watch the archive when it's available!!! I really hope you're both doing well. A move like that has gotta be super stressful. Hope you get lots of rest!


Please don't rush for us, or anyone else. Don't skip steps, and don't cut corners. We can keep waiting as needed. You can't work your best, without a good base of operations. So make sure you're good and settled. Good luck!

G D -2

No worries. It was nice talking to the two of you & hearing those stories. Hope you two get to do Hanami.




Sadly I had to be vod gang, the mobile internet at AnimeJapan wasn't good enough to listen in. Your current apartment sounds like quite an experience though, it's especially sad that you aren't allowed to sing.. I hope you'll be able to find a good apartment soon where you can sing as loud as you want! Excited to see how the future will look for amerily now that you can get all these lessons!


Thanks for the stream! Moving to a new place brings a few headaches, but also new opportunities! Good luck with getting settled in! ❤️💙


So fun seeing y’all take care!


Ah! Good Morning! Thank you for taking the time to talk about how things are lately, Ally and Sally! I had a great time chatting even for a little while during work! (I asked to go on break early that time! w) The current apartment sure sounded pretty rough, especially since you can't cook much and especially can't sing.... but you two are just about at the home stretch I think! Just another week or so to go! Hang in there you Ally and Sally! You can do it! Thank you for putting up the archive too! I'll be spending my morning watching the rest of it! Good luck with the rest of moving and bureaucracy! I hope there aren't too many more troubles or hiccups on the way, but even if there are we're here for you okay? 頑張ってね、アリサリちゃん!❤️💙


配信ありがとうございました! 今回は仮のお家ということでいつもより控えめな二人でしたね笑 ちゃんとしたお家が決まっていつもの元気いっぱいな二人に会えるのも楽しみですが、今回の元気抑えめな二人は今しか見られない貴重な二人だから、すごくラッキーな気分でした! お二人も今は色々と不便な生活で大変だと思いますが、それも今しか出来ない体験だと思って楽しんで乗り切れることを祈っています! また二人のお歌が聞けることを楽しみにしています💙❤️ 桜の咲く頃にまた会いましょう!🌸