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We've released a Map Starter Pack highlighting top cartographers

As of today, new projects in LegendKeeper have a new folder called "Maps to get started". Inside is a collection of 19 high resolution maps from some amazing RPG cartographers. We hope these maps will help new users feel inspired to explore LegendKeeper. We think they will inspire you too!

Special thanks to the cartographers who provided their maps:

For those of you who want to add the maps into existing projects, here is a download link to the files. This link is private for LegendKeeper patrons only, please respect the intellectual property of the artists.

You can learn more about the artists on our official announcement post. We encourage you to share that post if you want to spread the word!

What are you creating?

We believe one of the best ways to help LegendKeeper grow is to show off more of the worlds our community is creating. We are all eagerly awaiting the day we can launch public sharing links, but there are ways we can get started now.

If you are comfortable sharing your work, we encourage you to show it off in Discord, or on Reddit. You can also email stuff to adam@legendkeeper.com

With your help, we want to produce more project showcases like this one.

Pin management designs

Justin continues to make progress on our V3 Design System by fleshing out different screens. This screenshot shows the possible future of Atlas pin logic.

Atlas organization will be made easier with pin previews, the ability to manage pin clusters, and finer permission logic within the custom groups.

How Adam went from quitting his job to LegendKeeper

Adam appeared on the Roll Play Grow podcast this week to talk about the origins of Sword & Source, and his path so far as an entrepreneur. The conversation gets to LegendKeeper near the end at which point Adam confidently claims LegendKeeper is "The Best Software for Worldbuilding. Period."

Check out the podcast if you enjoy discovering all the diverse small businesses that are appearing in the TTRPG space.

Listen on Lightheart Adventure's website

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