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Changes to sales tax

Hey folks! Just FYI, Patreon has informed me that they are now required by law to collect sales tax based on your location, starting in July https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-on-Patreon:

On May 6th, 2020 Patreon announced that we are being required by law to start adding sales tax to more patron pledges starting on July 1st, 2020. This affects patrons in parts of the US and 17 other countries (see list).
Patreon already handles charging and paying VAT (European sales tax) for patrons in the EU, and has been doing so since 2015 when the laws changed in the EU. Over the past couple of years, many countries and many states in the United States have passed similar laws that require “online marketplaces” to apply sales tax to transactions. Although aimed at the Amazons, Ebays, Netflixes, and Etsys of the world, the way these laws were written and the way they’re being interpreted means that they’re impacting many different types of companies, including Patreon. 

I've done my best to tweak the tiers to create a minimal tax burden on you. I think this mainly affects the Artificer tier, which has tangible goods associated with it, but to be completely honest, it all seems pretty vague and hand-wavy on Patreon's end. If you have any questions on this, I recommend reaching out to Patreon with a support ticket: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=70716

"Generator" feature deprecation warning

As we near the release of Fates, I wanted to inform you that Generators in their current form will be going away upon the release of Fates. I'm faced with a decision between spending several days giving the current suboptimal generators feature a facelift to match the UI, only to re-do it all later, or just hide it for now and replace it with something better after Fates. I've decided to simply hide the feature for now. Your generator data is not going anywhere; the feature is just being hidden. Generators V2 will be a much nicer implementation, and will be backwards compatible with any generators you've created so far.


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