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Hey peeps! It's been a bit, so I thought I'd post. As you know, the next update,  Fates, is an overhaul of the LegendKeeper UI. The flow will be the same, but with more polish and consistency. I appreciate your patience while I work on this large undertaking! We're almost there!

What I've done so far:

Created a monstrous UI component library to streamline ongoing LK development. (120 components and counting).

Replaced 90% of the UI code with components from the new library, giving the whole app a  consistent and harmonic feel.

Added a global context menu system, adding context menus to most things in the application.

Created a theme system to support global light and dark themes, as well as more themes in the future.

Overhauled the wiki to be more compact, readable, and less cluttered.

Added more options for tag filtering (AND vs OR) and results presentation (list vs tree).

Added "Move" and "Rename" feature to the wiki sidebar.

Created a brand new editor that's embedded into the page, rather than having to open a dialog to edit. It also behaves much nicer with formatting and copy/pasting.

Editor: Advanced table editing controls with cell split/merge, resizing, etc.

Editor: Expansion panels that can expand and collapse the content within.

Editor: Info panels that can be colored and have a decorative icon.

Editor: To-do list items, dates, dividers, and a help menu.

Went back to the floating search box rather than a search sidebar, as the sidebar didn't fit well with the new system.

Added a system for customizing your article's sidebars, such as deciding what sections you want (i.e. should this sidebar have tags, a "Mentioned In" block, etc)

Added a system for article's to have multiple tabs that can be hidden.

Overhauled the Atlas, giving it a sidebar and better controls all around. Made space for region tools in future update.

Pin filtering now follows a familiar work flow, rather than being a disconnected floating box.

Created a new pin editor that's more streamlined and unbound from the article editor, with more colors and a new pin shape.

Created a new icon picker for navigating the icon library.

Emojis can now be used as icons, as well, adding a large amount of variety.

Created a unified asset manager for managing your images and maps. It can also be accessed outside of the context of editing articles.

Image and map collections can now be hidden to hide your spoilerific images and maps. They can also be renamed.

Added a new help menu that makes it easy to access announcements and the Discord, without cluttering up the main UI.

And a bunch of other tweak and fixes. All in all I've added 1000 files, changed 123 files, and removed 500 files. @__@ 

What's left:

* Replace the settings menu with the new UI. Edit: (done!)

* Replace the permissions menu with new UI. Edit: (done!)

* The biggest task: get the editor up to feature parity with the current editor. This means updating the Autolinker and ToC/Subpage index blocks, the floating formatting menu, and a few other things. You'll be able to rename/alias internal LegendKeeper links after this, as well.

We're in the home stretch! I think this update is going to blow you away. After this, we'll be going back to incremental feature updates, rather than big hulking overhauls. 

Thank you again for your support! Like always, let me know if you have any questions.



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