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I just wanted to thank you all for supporting the amazing community of independent creators on places like Patreon. I have always felt it was kind of an honour to be able to contribute to the D&D community, and I know many other independent creators feel the same. It’s crazy when you think about the amount of content that independent creators make as a whole and when you compare that to what a centralized entity like WotC is capable of producing. If you look at it in those terms, then the independents are really the ones creating the game. They’re creating the lions share. This whole OGL debacle has been interesting to watch and has really shifted some perspectives.

As soon as I read some of the details from the original leak, I kind of laughed to myself at the absurdity of what WotC might be attempting to do. Being a part of this independent creator community, I know how large and strong it is, and put together, they wield so much more power in numbers than a single entity could ever dream of. So, it was truly a laughable situation and I was never worried for the community.

Because the real reason independents survive is because of the individuals that support them. I think this is a beautiful and honest relationship and so I thank each of you for helping to foster all of the creators out there. I know this whole experience has strengthened the community even more and I hope has even added and diversified more creators.

Thank you for the continued support.


Edward D

Down with the OGL and WotC. I will not be buying anymore from anymore!

Sven Schlaepfer

You have the big advantage of producing content that is great for so many games. Even most of the Curse of Strahd stuff would be great for any gothic game.... I do use it to run CoS though - we will likely switch systems to Shadow of the Demon Lord for it, because even without the whole OGL shenanigans 5e doesn't feel grimdark enough for the game :D

Sven Schlaepfer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 04:33:50 I will post how our first session on friday went :) It reads very well but is a heavy tone shift from 5e... Gory, Bloody and Poop jokes galore. Evil Dead meets D&D
2023-01-25 10:26:39 I will post how our first session on friday went :) It reads very well but is a heavy tone shift from 5e... Gory, Bloody and Poop jokes galore. Evil Dead meets D&D

I will post how our first session on friday went :) It reads very well but is a heavy tone shift from 5e... Gory, Bloody and Poop jokes galore. Evil Dead meets D&D

Richard Jokes

What kills me James is that they had the ability to just hire more artists and creators and instead chose to make an OGL that instead stole content from people. I'm glad people like you exist to bring the content that we all want and I would rather pay to support you any day of the week than ever give WotC another penny.