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Funnily enough I was able to use this image last night during my game before any of you got to see it! My party encountered gnolls for the first time out on the plains. Classic encounter I would think. But in addition to that, I had a lot of positive response that the night version of the same location would be helpful to folks, so I have decided to release night versions of the same location to higher tiers. Because it takes another investment of my time to make a second version the still image night version will be released to the $2 tier folks and the animated night version will be released to the $4 tier. For this week, I'm giving you the night version of this location as I'm still figuring out the workflow, but next location it will go to the higher tiers. 

In addition to this, and for more incentive, between new releases I will go back to old releases and create a night version that I will release to the applicable $2 and $4 tiers. I will probably start with all the wilderness travel locations I have done so far, but will eventually move on to the most likely locations that could use a night version.



J-P Sacko

Man i really love the day/night versions


Agreed, doing day/night is a great idea!


Really loving the night versions as well.

Iosu Larumbe

This publication is blocked for me, however, the animated version is not. Is that correct?I love the idea of having day and night version.