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Saturday 3/2
I've just completed updating all mods for the current patch.  The next thing is posting them to each page.  I'll roll that out to avoid loading too many pages at once, it triggers a type of defense on most sites.  

Sexy Gigs will get updated now, so check and make sure the file reads Patch Fix.  


Friday 3/1
I've got Sexy Gigs fully tested and ready.  I'll get most other mods complete today as well.  I'll have the Patch post available a little later today.

I'll get back to modding new mods and BizOp Mod on Saturday.  Next release should be soon.


Wednesday 2/28

Thursday 2/29
Updates will start rolling out late tonight.  Starting with Sexy Gigs.  Be sure to check for the Patch Update Post tonight as well.  

I haven't been able to work on any new mods due to the patch, so a few releases will be a little behind.  

If something is broken for you be patient, I'll have them fixed as soon as I can.


Wednesday 2/28
It's brutal - Please allow a bit more time to check and update mods.  There's a thing with the group id's I'll have to check on all my mods.  The patch update post will not be out today.  I'll keep you updated on my progress.

If you're playing some of my mods and somethings missing like social interactions please let me know.  That'll help as well. 


Tuesday 2/27
Patch Day - I'll start testing my mods later today.  I'll create a Patch Update post once complete, most likely Wednesday.  


Hope everyone is doing well. 

Currently working on a couple of mods and updates for this week.

BizOp Mod v2 - I'm trying to make the gameplay more realistic and adding a lot more gameplay features.  You'll need to register your corporation to become a CEO.  New CEO skill that you can level up.  

Employee gameplay is completely overhauled.  Besides hiring and firing corporate employees, you can let them know they didn't get the job during the interview process.  All employees start out the same, but you can send them to training in order to qualify and promote them to new positions.

Each position will have it's own set of tasks you'll need them to perform. 

CEO's can experience random public scandals that'll need to be addressed through a public apology and press releases.

[Still In Development} give the option for some employees to work from home and have zoom type meetings with them.

This mod will have phone and computer interactions.  So you're no longer tied to all in one pc.

Team Meeting social event.

New raw materials and products to create.

Make sales and get your products delivered to the customers.  Functional File Cabinet will return.

Work-Life Balance Aspiration

I don't have a clear release window, I'll keep you updated on the progress.

While I'm working on BizOp Mod, I'll also work on a few more mods this week for release soon.  




Just in time for my birthday on Sunday.


So Sexy gigs is good to use?