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Sunday 2/18
Psychiatrist Career v3 - The issue is potentially fixed.  I'll have to do some testing.  After testing and creating the post the mod will release. Expected late tonight.  (Pixxel Pervert)


Saturday 2/17
Sexy Gigs v16.1 - Available Now  

I'll have the tutorial pages available soon in the mini-site.  I'll start adding screenshots as well.

I did experience the missing computer interactions during this last test but was able to get them to show up by removing a few broken mods and updating others.  If this happens to you, check your mods and cc.  Update everything possible.  

Requires XML Injector.

Sexy Gigs v16.1 - Complete, in a final round of testing.  I know I need a couple of icons that are missing and checking to make sure everything is working okay.  The update will release and then I'll update the needed pages in the mini site. 

Psychiatrist Career v3 - I'll start working on this through the early morning and potentially have this available Saturday.  I'll keep you updated.


Friday 2/16
Sexy Gigs v16.1 - I've got the interactions to work.   I will continue working on the update and get it released soon as I can.   


Thursday 2/15
(Wednesday) Sexy Gigs v16.1 - I'm working on the phone interactions.  I can't get them to work even with xml injector.  So it's has to be something really small I'm overlooking.  Sometimes it's just one little thing that's overlooked.  Anyway, I'm going to get some rest for now and continue getting this figured out early in the AM.   I'll shoot for a late Thursday release but keep you updated just in case.


Wednesday 2/14
Acting Workshop Social Event - Complete.  Creating post and then release shortly.

Sexy Gigs v16.1 - I'll be working on this all day with release soon as it's complete.  Estimated late tonight.  If there are new issues I'll give an update.


Tuesday 2/13
Fresh Start Aspiration - Complete.  Just creating the release post. (Pixxel Perverts)

Fetishist Mod - Complete. Creating the release post. (Pixxel Perverts)

Releasing later today - Acting Workshop Social Event (all tiers)


Hope everyone is doing great.  I've got some content releasing this week.

Releasing Late Tonight
-Fresh Start Aspiration (Pixxel Pervert) - New aspiration category "Second Chances" with bonus trait "Adaptable".  Start life over with new goals, social interactions, and the Determination Skill.

-Fetishist Mod - This mod will give your Sim random fetish buffs and social interactions.  (Pixxel Pervert)

Releasing Tuesday
-Acting Workshop Social Event - Use this event to attend a workshop to grow your acting skill.  Complete with an acting coach along with other budding actors. (all tiers) requires Get Famous

Releasing Wednesday
-Sexy Gigs v16.1 - I've made progress on fixing some critical issues.  Getting this out finally.

Releasing later this week
Psychiatrist Career v3 - Fixing critical issues.

Continued Work
BizOp Mod v2

Build Credit:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/parking-latte-78733688



Katie DelValle

I am new to this group and have been really excited to try the Sexy Gigs mod. I have not been able to get the HrnyFans part to work. I've followed the suggestions for the All in One PC, base game desk, and removed all the other mods. I'm still not getting the option to pop up in the pc. Thanks for the mod! I think it will be fun once it's playable

Katie DelValle

Version 16.1. I downloaded yesterday.


Use a different chair as well. I use the leather office chair most of the time. Also try a new save, no mods or cc. Let me know if it starts working for you.